  • 學位論文


The Impact of Paiwan Handprint Culture Incorporated into Fashion Design Vocational Training Courses on Learning Effectiveness

指導教授 : 廖婉鈞


本研究旨在探討排灣族手紋文化融入時尚服裝設計職訓課程對學員的學習成效之影響,以「屏東縣原住民族部落大學之再現傳統排灣珠繡服裝設計班」的學員為研究對象,學員共計 10 位,規劃五週課程,最終以 「教師教學滿意度問卷」、「珠繡與縫紉技能學習成效問卷」、「學員作品賞析」、「成果評分表」、「學員訪談」等研究工具評估學習成效以進行分析。 研究結果發現經過五週的教學實驗課程,學員對排灣族手紋文化融入服裝設計職訓課程呈現高度滿意,在教師講述與示範操作的教學模引導下,學員慢慢進入狀況,且逐漸克服剛操作縫紉機台的恐懼感與穿針引線時的迷惘,透過不斷練習與操作,慢慢的瞭解女裝基本原型圖的打版技法,以及縫紉機台的操作方式與珠繡的工法。也逐漸對手紋文化傳承充滿熱忱,能夠應用手紋圖騰設計服裝,學員學習成效良好。證實本研究手紋文化融入時尚服裝設計教學能夠顯著提升職業訓練成效,最後根據研究結果提出相關建議。


排灣族 手紋 職業訓練 服裝設計


This study aims to explore the impact of Paiwan handprint culture incorporated into fashion design vocational training courses on learning effectiveness. The subjects are ten students from the Traditional Paiwan Bead Embroidery Costume Design Program of Pingtung Tribal College. The planned curriculum was five weeks, and the study assessed the learning effectiveness for further analysis by research tools, including questionnaire of satisfaction with teachers’ instruction, questionnaire of learning outcome of bead embroidery and sewing skills, appreciation of students’ works, grading of outcome, and interview with students. According to research findings, after five weeks of the experimental course, the students were highly satisfied with Paiwan handprint culture incorporated into fashion design vocational training courses. With the guidance of teachers’ lectures and demonstrations, the students successively overcame any difficulty of using the sewing machine and sewing techniques. Through constant practice, they gradually became familiar with the patternmaking of female costumes, the use of sewing machines, and the technique of bead embroidery. They developed enthusiasm about the heritage of the handprint culture and could design costumes from handprint patterns. The students’ learning effectiveness was positive. The results show that the instruction of handprint culture incorporated into fashion design vocational training courses of this study could significantly enhance the outcome of vocational training. Finally, from the research findings, this study proposed related suggestions.


中時電子報(2017)。榮耀祖紋!原住民文化園區辦排灣族手紋展。上網日期 2020 年 6 月 16 日取自
https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20171130005415- 260405?chdtv
