  • 學位論文


Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Fermented Byproduct on Growth Performances and Palatability of Weanling Piglets

指導教授 : 謝豪晃


本試驗旨在探討,添加發酵副產物(fermented byproduct, Upro),取代離乳仔豬飼糧中的魚粉,對生長性能及適口性之影響。試驗分二部份進行,試驗一為發酵副產物Upro取代離乳仔豬飼糧中的魚粉,分三個飼糧處理:分別為對照組(飼糧含5% 魚粉,FM)、Upro 2.5%組(2.5% Upro + 2.5% 魚粉),與Upro 5.0%組(5% Upro),飼養三週。試驗二為發酵副產物Upro取代離乳仔豬飼糧中的魚粉,對離乳仔豬適口性試驗,三個飼糧處理:分別為對照組(飼糧含5% 魚粉,FM)、Upro 2.5%組(2.5% Upro + 2.5% 魚粉),與Upro 5.0%組(5% Upro),飼養三天。 試驗一結果顯示,以Upro部份或全部取代離乳仔豬飼糧中的魚粉,各組間的平均日增重和平均日採食量及飼料轉換率均無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。試驗期間的體增重則以Upro 2.5%組,顯著高於魚粉組與Upro 5.0%組(P < 0.05)。試驗二結果顯示,以Upro部分或全部取代離乳仔豬飼糧中的魚粉,在仔豬離乳後,首三日的累積採食量,則以飼糧中添加發酵副產物Upro5.0%組,顯著高於魚粉組與Upro 2.5%組(P<0.05)。 綜合上述結果,顯示發酵副產物(Upro)可以完全或部分取代飼糧中的魚粉,提升離乳仔豬的生長性能表現及增加適口性,可以作為取代飼糧中動物性蛋白質的選項,達到改善生長性能及降低飼料成本之目的。


Two trials were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary replacement of fish meal with fermented byproduct (Upro) on growth performances and palatability of weanling piglets. In trial 1, the diets supplemented with 5% fish meal (FM), 2.5% Upro + 2.5% FM and 5% Upro were fed to weanling pigs for 3 weeks. In trial 2, the diets supplemented with 5% fish meal (FM), 2.5% Upro + 2.5% FM and 5% Upro were fed to weanling pigs for 3 day to test the feed consumption for palatability. The results from trial 1 indicated that total or partial replacement of FM with Upro did not significantly influence average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion ratio (F/G) (P > 0.05). The final body weights of Upro 2.5% group were higher than those of FM and Upro 5.0% groups (P < 0.05) for the 3 wks trial period . The results from trial 2 indicated that the total feed consumption of the first three days after weaning in the weanling pigs in Upro 5.0% group was significantly higher than that of the fishmeal group and Upro 2.5% group (P<0.05). In conclusion, the overall results indicated that total and partial replacement of fish meal with Upro in the diets could improve growth performances and palatability of weanling piglets. Therefore the fermented byproduct (Upro) could be used as alternative to replace fishmeal in piglet diets to improve growth performances and reduce feed cost.


