  • 學位論文


An Investigation Study on the Deregulation of Slope land - A Case of Chenggong Township, Taitung County

指導教授 : 丁澈士


臺東縣成功鎮轄區均劃為山坡地地區,且多為非都市土地,僅小部分為都市土地,受山坡地管制影響著土地開發過程中常付出的金錢及時間,著實影響土地利用的效益。山坡地劃定依平均坡度坵塊法等劃定山坡地管制區,在大範圍的劃定區域中,有其一定的必要性,然坵塊法及平均坡度作為山坡地劃入依據常造成與現況不符之偏失,故本研究嘗試從成功鎮轄區內人民宜居條件,包括法規、環境及防災探討山坡地管制內之公共建設完整區、頻繁建設區域劃出之適宜性,檢視山坡地內範圍,並以非山坡地區域比較分析轄區內坡度之關聯性,藉以探討山坡地管制的適宜性。 透過以往山坡地劃入的經驗和數據凝結對土地利用管制較宏觀的數據,了解山坡地管制之差異性及獲得相關可行改善措施,促進資源與產業合理配置,強化國土整合管理機制。


All administrative regionsare designated slopeland areas in Chenggong Township in Taitung County;most of these areas are non-urban lands, withonly a small share of urban lands.Slopeland development regulations have an effect on land utilization, andmoney and time are, thus, often devoted to land development. The designation and zoning of slopeland areas are based on the median slope of a grid square. Whilethis method is necessary to some extent,the median slope and grid methodtends to result in a mismatch with the status quoin large scale designated zones. Therefore, this study is based on some aspects of the living conditions of the residents ofthe Chenggong Township administrative region,including laws and regulations, the environment, and disaster prevention. This study attempts to explore the appropriateness of designating and zoning regions with fully built public infrastructureor those regions where frequent constructionstake place in restricted slopeland areas. This study also compared slopes in restricted areas and those in non-slopeland areas to assess the appropriateness of slopeland regulations. This study is based on extant experience in the designation and zonation of slopeland areas.Data condensation of land utilization macro-data and regulations was conducted to understand the difference in slopeland regulations.Relevant, feasible coping strategies were explored to facilitate the rational appropriation of resources and industriesand to improveland consolidation and management mechanisms.


一. 中文部分:
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2. 陳諾威「利用坵塊法探討山坡地土地可利用限度查定作業方式」,碩士論文,國立中興大學土木工程學系,第54頁,2015。
3. 吳承鴻「平均坡度限制對山坡地開發休閒遊憩建築設計自由度之影響—法規修正之研究」國立逢甲大學,景觀與遊憩學系,第54頁,2013。
