  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Strategy with Application of SWOT Analysis for Leisure Farms - The Case Study of Shin Kong Chao Feng Ranch and Resort

指導教授 : 林永順 蔡青園 鄭秋桂


近年來,臺灣的農業型態已漸漸轉型為以服務為導向的服務型態,加上引進機械化,不少原需人力的工作,漸漸被機械所取代,也使得農業產業環境,日漸式微。 政府重視農業生產結構改變的問題,並提出及協助不少振興農業的方案,來解決目前及未來臺灣農業會遇到的問題,在振興方案中,積極輔導經營不佳的農牧業,轉型成為寓教於樂的休閒農場,但在輔導的案例中,仍不乏有轉型策略失效、或執行成果不彰,以致成效不佳之案例。 綜上所述,蒐集相關休閒農場在產業競爭策略方面的文獻、論文,探討產業分析方法及策略模式,以利本研究建構休閒農業的經營策略,本研究利用瞭解國內休閒農業之競爭優勢所在,再藉由深度訪談分析瞭解其就現階段總體經濟環境外在之機會、威脅及組織內部之優勢、劣勢下所因應的經營策略與模式,進而提出建議以供休閒農場永續經營之參考策略。 故如何因應農業休閒觀光發展趨勢,其經營策略改善的空間與方向為何?為本研究深入探討的重點!最後,冀希研究的結果,能夠提供兆豐農場永續經營發展之策略參考。


For the past few years, the industry in Taiwan had already be changed from the farming industry-oriented to the service industry-oriented; moreover, the agricultural work needs less and less manpower because of mechanized promotion. So the Agricultural environment was pushed out of business. Therefore, the administration provides the revitalization plans in order to find the solution way for the current and even the future of the agricultural. In one of the revitalization plans, the administration works out the transition strategy to help the poor agricultural and animal husbandry successful to make the transition to an educational leisure farm. Even though, in some of the useless transition strategy and the weakest effectiveness of its implementation also get failing result. Based on the above, for purpose of formulating the leisure farmer’s administration strategy, to collect the relative literature of industry strategy and discuss the analysis of the method and the strategy of mode is necessary. In order to make the suggestion for the leisure agricultural how to develop persistently. By interview, I am going to understand the competitive advantage for domestic Leisure agriculture, then analyze the opportunity and threat of External environment for overall economy, also find out the management strategy via analyze internal strength and weakness. So, how to improve the management strategy and in response to trends for leisure agriculture is the key point for this research. Finally, I also expect to find out the sustainable management strategy and Zhao Feng farmer take it as a reference source.


