  • 學位論文

國軍具文化資產身分保存眷村永續經營之研究 -以高雄市黃埔新村為例

Armed Forces with Cultural Assets Preserve Community Housing and Study Administration-Take Kaohsiung City Huang Pu Hsin Tsun for Example

指導教授 : 林永順


國軍老舊眷村是政府遷臺為使國軍官兵能無後顧之憂,專心戮力於戰訓本務,初期係屬暫時安頓軍眷的重要措施,惟當時政府並無相關經費可大興眷舍,故早期的眷村大多係接收日遺眷舍、倉庫隔間或以磚瓦自行搭建等克難式棲身之所,融合了來自大陸各省軍民同住生活,秉持著保家衛國及勤儉持家的共同信念。在那個動盪不安的年代,眷村扮演著以大我為重的穩定力量。 為加速更新國軍老舊眷村,提高土地使用經濟效益,歷經大半個世紀洗禮,眷村這個過渡時期的產物,從1980年國防部所訂頒的「國軍老舊眷村重建試辦期間作業要點」、1993年立法施行的「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」,迄今已完成52處改建基地,安置了3萬2,768戶原眷戶,國防部列管的897處老舊眷村拆除至僅剩100餘處,昔日老舊眷村聚落已被現代高樓大廈所取代,然尚未被摧毀殆盡具文化資產身分者,僅剩有43處眷村,這類臺灣特殊重要歷史文化產物實應由政府相關部門正視處理保存工作。 筆者從事眷村改建工作多年,發現國軍老舊眷村文化保存的推展成效有限,在政府資源有限與專業能力不足的情況下,如何能及時有效地推動具文化資產身分眷村的永續經營保存工作,實刻不容緩。本研究係採「文獻分析法」、「深度訪談法」、「田野調查法」,以彌補有關文獻不足之處,結合「公私協力」概念,探討眷村文化保存區如何能夠永續經營,並如何有效整合法規以排除推動的困難及如何設計兼顧政府政策任務與民間投資誘因的協力機制,而不單純只是由政府編列預算維護,應該要善用「文創產業」與「促進民間參與公共建設」作法,結合國軍老舊眷村改建條例、文化資產保存法等規範,探討具體可行的經營管理模式,保存維護的責任歸屬與經費來源等配套規劃,均是本研究重要的課題。


Old military dependents’ villages in armed forces were places where our soldiers in our country could focus on being trained without any care, so the government moved to Taiwan. At first, there wasn’t any vital measures to settle the military villages temporarily. As there weren’t any considerable funds to build military dependents’ village for the government. At that time. People in early military dependents’ villages lived in houses left from the era of Japanese occupation, warehouses or the brick houses built by themselves. This way which collected soldiers from all knids of provinces in China let them live together. Everyone held the common belief of protecting their home and country and being industrious. In that turbulent times, the military dependents’ villages played a man and stable power. To accelerate to rebuild the military dependents’ villages in armed forces, the government raised the use of land, economic benefits, and destroyed from half century, the military dependents’ villages are assets from old times from 1980, Ministry of National Defense proclaimed. “Major Tasks for the Rebuilding of the old Army of the National Army during the trial Run”. In 1993, legislative Yuan enforce” The National Army rebuilt the old village policy, 52 places had been changed into base so far, settling 32768 villagers. The 897 villages which Ministry of National registrated and monitored had been torn down and about 100 remains. The past old military dependents’ village had been replaced with modern mansions. However, there were only 43 military dependents’ villages hadn’t been destroyed with cultural assets. The special, vital, historical products in Taiwan should be preserved seriously by the government related department. The writer has been engaged in rebuilding the military dependents’ villages for many years, finding that there was limitation in promoting old community culture preservation. Under the limitation and professional inefficiency of the government. It is imperative to promote and preserve the military dependents’ villages with cultural assets efficiently. The study adopts “Document Analysis” “In-depth Interview”, “Field Survey” to make up the inadequacies about the study. Combine the concept of “Public-private Partnership” Study how to run persistently the the community cultural area and how to integrate the law efficiently the rule out the difficulty the promotion and how to design the policy for the benefits of the government policy mission and folk investment incentives. We shouldn’t simply maintain the government budgeting. We should make good use of the way to “Cultural and Creative industry” and “Promote non-government Participation in Public construction” combining the national army rebuilt the old village policy management model. Preserve the set of plans between the belonging and the origin fee, which are the vital issue for the study.


王明我、 鄭昇陽、房明德(2015)。竹籬重生樂活家園。國防部政治作戰局文宣心戰處。
