  • 學位論文


Characteristics of Particulate Matter near a Worksite of Grinder Cutting and/or Electric Welding

指導教授 : 陳瑞仁


為了解砂輪機及電銲作業時產生粒狀物(particulate matter,簡稱PM)特性及其對附近空氣品質影響,本研究於109年8月間在國立屏東科技大學某系所整修期間,於砂輪機及砂輪機和電銲同時作業時,透過空氣品質監測儀在其旁進行PM2.5與PM10監測,以探討其作業旁PM濃度及其時序變化,研究結果顯示: 在砂輪機作業時,其旁S1(距砂輪機0.3公尺)及S2(距砂輪機1.5公尺)兩監測點,瞬間PM10監測濃度中細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度占比之範圍為0.21~0.33,顯示砂輪機切割作業時產生之懸浮微粒(PM10)以粗懸浮微粒(即PM2.5-10)為主。與僅砂輪機作業時S2測點之PM2.5/PM10平均值(0.13)相較,砂輪機和電銲同時作業時,其旁S3(距電銲右前方2公尺及砂輪機左前方1公尺處)與S4(距電銲右側4公尺處)兩測點之PM2.5/PM10值(平均值分別為0.71及0.5)均明顯提高,顯示:電銲作業會產生大量細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度;於S3及S4兩監測點,除PM2.5瞬間1分鐘濃度高值均超出空氣品質標準外,其瞬間測得之PM10濃度中細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度佔比(PM2.5/PM10值)亦急劇增加,顯示電銲作業時產生之懸浮微粒(PM10)以細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)為主。其除對其旁作業員健康有危害外,亦會影響附近空氣品質。


To understand the key characteristics of particulate matter (abbreviated as PM) and their impact on the indoor air quality generated during the operation of an electrical welding and a grinding wheel, this study was coordinated with air quality monitors during the redecoration in an academic department at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in August 2020. The research results were as below: The concentrations of fine suspended particles (PM2.5) at the two monitoring points S1 (0.3 meters from the grinding wheel) and S2 (1.5 meters from the grinding wheel) next to the grinder cutting operation in the suspended particle monitoring concentrations of instantaneous PM10 value ranged from 0.21 to 0.33. It indicated that the suspended particles (PM10) produced mainly suspended particles (ie PM2.5-10) during the cutting operation of the grinders. Compared with the average values of PM2.5/ PM10 at the measuring point S2 during the only operation of the grinder, the PM2.5/ PM10 values at the measuring points S3 (2 meters on the right side of the electric welding and 1 meter on the left side of the grinder) and S4 were significantly higher in the course of the cutting operation of the grinder and electric welding. It indicated that electric welding operation produced a large amount of fine suspended particulates (PM2.5) concentrations. Those harmed the health of workers and affected air quality as well. Therefore, this issue should be taken seriously and improved.


grinder cutting electric welding PM2.5 PM10


George W AMholland,2017, SMOKE PRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES. IN: DiNenno, P.J., et al., Editors, SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 2nd Edition, Chapter 15, Section 2, 2/217-2/227 pp
1. 行政院環保署統計室環境資料庫,2020,室內空氣品質資訊網,
2. 行政院環境保護署主管法規查詢系統,2020,室內空氣品質管理辦法,https://oaout.epa.gov.tw/law/LawContent.aspx?id=FL063143。
3. 行政院環境保護署主管法規查詢系統,2020,應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一批公告場所,https://oaout.epa.gov.tw/law/LawContent.aspx?id=GL005262。
