  • 學位論文


Integrating Feng Shui Theories for the Development of Architecture Design and Auspiciousness Analysis Procedure

指導教授 : 謝啟萬


中國風水學具悠久歷史,主要記述先民早期擇地而居的生存法則,亦是古建築營造的指導原則及實用操作技術的一門學問。為研究認知的確定性,排除命理、卜卦、宗教、民俗等相關活動,使用“建築風水”一詞,目的在探究整合建築風水理論及建構吉凶應用操作模式,使風水學術重新煥發出新的生機,開啟另一個研究取向。本研究經多年的實例操作體驗,篩選整合風水理論,以三元玄空飛星法、玄空易卦法、排龍訣之法、收山出煞訣等,發現在現代建築上應用較佔優勢。基於工程建設關注安全、經濟、維護間之平衡,考量各階段執行時,能有所依循,因而製作標準作業流程(SOP)規範,操作上實有助於工作團隊認知整體工作流程。尤在規劃設計階段,透過 Google Earth 平台之輔助,創新加層套疊羅盤影像,可同步仰角觀測突破視點限制的死角,發現對建築選址定向分析,具有確定性與參考價值。同時為改善傳統安門施作工法,研究貢獻專利發明具導流功能之門框組及其立柱(簡稱風水門),對建築生態有其正面性作用是一項技術之創新。研究結果顯示,本研究提出整合建築風水理論及建構吉凶應用操作模式,既承襲傳統文化,又能在現代建築中蛻變出創新的共構模式,有助於強化風水學在現代建築上更廣泛的應用。


Feng Shui is an ancient geomancy related to traditional Chinese culture and philosophy for choosing residential locations. Feng Shui is also a classical Architecture and construction guidelines. Feng Shui analysis relates architecture to the environment. Therefore, Architecture Feng Shui is introduced by integrating the Feng Shui theories and developing an auspiciousness analysis procedure for Architecture design. Feng Shui consists of two prevalent Feng Shui schools: Form school principles are related to those elements that can be observed in the exterior situation and Compass school principles are related to the direction. On site Feng Shui analysis traditionally uses a Feng Shui compass to determine orientation and direction for each project element. Since most urban buildings are commonly surrounded by high rise buildings, it is not easy to identify the mountain and water dragons for Feng Shui auspiciousness analysis. Therefore, the street intersections surrounding building sites are interpreted as virtual water gates for the revised urban Feng Shui auspiciousness analysis. Addition, the Auspiciousness Knack and San-Yuan Suan-Kuang flying star Feng Shui analysis are also adopted in the auspiciousness analysis. This revised urban Feng Shui auspiciousness analysis procedure has been used successfully for the auspiciousness analysis of many urban project sites. Google Earth with the compass function can be a useful, advanced tool to assist in site direction determination. The remote sky viewing technique would also improve efficiency and reduce the time required in preliminary and final on-site Feng Shui analysis.


一、 中文部份
(一) 期刊與研討會論文
