  • 學位論文

主題選擇與滿意度調查: 以高中生與其祖父母之溝通為例

Topic-selection and Satisfaction in Communication between High School Students and Their Grandparents

指導教授 : 陳錦慧


隨著台灣進入高齡化社會,越來越多老年人口在我們日常生活當中,因此生活中也多了許多和老年人相處及對話溝通的機會。為了能更了解台灣高中生及其祖父母之跨世代溝通和增進他們的溝通效能,本研究利用問卷調查的方式,意圖了解台灣高中生和其祖父母的溝通對話主題及其滿意度調查,藉此更深入了解高中生喜歡和他們的祖父母聊天的主題,及其祖父母所喜好的對話主題,進而提供建議使他們有更良好的溝通過程。 本研究問卷分為兩部分,第一部分為對話主題,第二部分為滿意度調查。滿意度調查採取平均數進行排列,透過了解他們日常的對話主題、其期待彼此談論的主題和對於各主題的滿意度調查,進行分析。 研究顯示,台灣高中生喜歡和其祖父母談論家庭生活、休閒活動及健康有關的話題;然而,台灣的祖父母偏好和其孫子女討論健康、職業及家庭生活。結果顯示家庭為祖孫溝通最主要的主題,也是滿意度中最為高的。此發現代表分享家庭生活是維繫兩世代溝通的橋樑。 此外,高中生及其祖父母溝通主題的選擇差異最大的是職業,祖父母喜歡和孫子女討論職業,然而孫子女卻會選擇忽略,由於時代背景的不同,孫子女和其祖父母的想法也不同,祖父母在討論職業的過程會給於想法及建議,但也可能因此造成壓力,使身為高中生的孫子女較可能選擇忽略或逃避此話題。 本研究為第一份台灣針對跨世代祖父母及高中生溝通話題選擇及其滿意度的研究,相關結果可用於增進家庭情境內跨世代溝通品質的提升。


As Taiwan has entered the ageing society, there are more opportunities for us to interact and communicate with older people in our daily life and inter-generational communication is one of such scenarios. To understand inter-generational communication better, this research conducted a survey to in-vestigate topic selections and the satisfaction levels of each topic actually raised between grandparents and grandchildren in Taiwan. The participants are senior high school students and their grandparents. The research questionnaire can be divided into two parts: one on the communication topics actually raised and expected to be raised, and the other on the satisfaction levels participants held towards the raised topics in their intergenerational talks. The results showed that senior high students in Taiwan like to talk about topics related to family, leisure and health with their grandparents; however, grandparents are fond of discussing matters associated with health, occupation and family with their grandchildren. It appears that family is the most popular topic and the satisfaction level derived from talking about this topic is also the highest. What’s more, the greatest difference in what topics are selected between grandchildren and grandparents is occupation. Grandparents seem to prefer occupation as a topic to talk with their grandchildren, while their grandchildren rather choose to ignore it. The age differences between grandchildren and their grandparents might cause different views about occupation and this could be one source of intergenerational gaps, hence, leading to dissatisfaction in intergenerational talks between them. The results in this study could be used to improve and promote the qualities of intergenerational communication in family contexts.


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