  • 學位論文


Exploring the relationship between community management and brand marketing

指導教授 : 蔡展維




In the face of the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, "community platform" has become the most important marketing method for enterprises. Due to the high interaction and high utilization rate of the community, brands have accelerated their investment in the community. In the past research on the community, more emphasis was placed on the discussion of business strategies and the key factors of success, while ignoring what homework needs to be done before entering the field of community management? Therefore, this study attempts to introduce the concept of brand marketing to construct a basic framework of "marketing preparation for community platform management", and through the action research method, it actually participates in the operation of the fan page of "Hi Neipu", and in-depth explores the pre-preparation of community management. The influence of community platform management, and found from the implementation process that "the thinking model of community brand building" is beneficial to the planning of the basic structure, and the discussion confirmed the basic structure of "marketing preparation for community platform management", which can be used as a practical community development community in the future. Group brand reference.


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