  • 學位論文


The extent of Taiwan indigenous people participating in the self-governance of hunting management: a case study on Majia Village, a Paiwan Ethnic Group, in Pingtung

指導教授 : 裴家騏 羅永清


台灣是少數於憲法層級承認原住民的國家,而原住民族狩獵議題在台灣社會長年受到關注。近年來政府與社會試圖彌補過往對原住民權利協商的損害,在狩獵議題上,林務局催生出「原住民狩獵自主管理試辦計畫」,藉由形成地方自主管理組織與政府協商,為原住民的狩獵文化除罪外,也做為日後與之共同管理自然資源的前哨。目前已有許多政府單位主導的狩獵自治試辦區,並吸引許多未獲得試辦的原鄉部落自發性先行投入相關事務,以利未來與政策發展接軌。然而各地的文化差異以及過往原住民族對政府的不信任,使新政策推行的同時,許多問題也浮上檯面。本研究以屏東縣瑪家鄉瑪家村做為案例,該地屬於非試辦計畫區域,由三個部落──「makazaya」(瑪家部落)、「tanavakong」(崑山部落)、「paljur」(白露部落)──組成,自2020年3月開始自發性籌辦獵人協會做為地方自主管理組織,並投入政府自主管理的相關事務中。採用深度訪談(in-depth interview)與參與觀察法(participant observation),透過近兩年於部落日常事務參與時的觀察,與訪談8位狩獵經驗豐富且熱衷於自主管理相關事務之獵人,建構該地目前狩獵概況與自主管理推動上常見問題之看法。本研究記錄該地狩獵現況,包含獵人數量、狩獵時間、獵具使用、獵物種類、獵物數量等,並發現新舊獵人間受社會價值觀、經濟模式、自然環境等變動影響,使有關獵人定義、文化傳承、獵場、獵具種類、狩獵目的、獵物種類、獵物使用等出現變動,進而構築成近代狩獵模式。同時收集獵人面對「加入受管理的組織意願與否」、「如實回報獵獲物與否」、「使用器具(槍枝)的合法性」三項最常見問題時地自身與身邊他人的看法。透過對瑪家村的研究,為其記錄與蒐集有關資料,並做為實際推動的案例,讓其他欲發展狩獵自主管理之區域能有所參考,為未來相關原住民權利之推動能更加順利。


Taiwan is a few of countries which recognize indigenous in constitutional law, and there is a lot of discussion in “indigenous hunting’’ in society for long time. In recent years, the government tries to compensate indigenous people for their rights losses. Therefore, Forestry Bureau, the administrative unit in Council of Agriculture, excuted the project which named “indigenous people self-governance of hunting management.” This project help indigenous people found local organization to negotiate with government. It is hoped to achieve hunting de-criminalization and push comanagement of natural resources. There were many places joining the project, and attracting other places continuously. However, some questions which are caused by culture variation and distrust of the government are occurring when the new policy be pushed. This case is about Majia village including three tribes──“makazaya”, “tanavakong” and “paljur”──in Majia township, Pingtung. Majia village started to organize autonomy organization of hunting management from march, 2020. The method to carry out this study was using “in-depth interview”and “participant observation”. We interviewed 8 hunters who have extensive experience of hunting and keening on organizing organization of hunting management, and observed their usual activites in village in last two years. The study shows the current situation of hunting in Majia village which includes numbers of hunters, hunting seasons and time, hunting tools, spieces and numbers of prey. We also surveyed the local people’s willingness of joining organization, willingness of reporting prey truthfully, and legality of hunting tools(firearm). These are common problems about self-governmencce of hunting management might be encountered. Expect these informations of Majia village will be reference for other places which wants to follow the policy. Make Taiwan indigenous rights move forward.


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