  • 學位論文


A Study on the Issue of Farmland-based Illegal Metal Factories and Pollution

指導教授 : 鍾秋悅


近年來,農地轉作非農業使用的現象嚴重且逐年增加,2018 年農委 會盤查全國農業及農地資源,估計農地上違章工廠數量高達13萬5千家, 其中不乏我國的重要產業。如本文所探討之金屬產業,即是我國重要的 產業之一。但其造成的環境污染也相當令人擔憂。故此,本研究使用多 個資料庫,如 2017 年經濟部臨時工廠名錄、內政部、主計處、環保署等。 透過臨時工廠名錄可知,我國金屬產業上游基本金屬製造業 142 家、中 游金屬製品製造業 2,562 家,共計 2,704 家。為探討金屬違章工廠現象與 其所造成的污染之間的關聯性,本研究使用兩階段最小平方法進行實證, 結果顯示鄉鎮農地上若存有金屬違章工廠,對於整體環境污染的公害陳 情案件有顯著增加。以金屬違章工廠上游工廠家數為例,各鄉鎮金屬合 法工廠每增加一家,金屬違章上游工廠每年就會增加約 0.020 家。而每增 加一家違章工廠,每年約會增加空氣污染污 13.18 件、異味污染 208.5 件、 噪音污染 176.2 件、水污染 31.11 件、火災 39.80 件。農地土壤每公斤銅 污染含量會增加 2.773 公克、鋅污染 2.150 公克、鎳污染 1.095 公克。重 金屬污染總和(砷、鎘、鉻、鉛、汞、銅、鋅、鎳)約會增加 7.379 公克。


Over the last few years, the problem of agricultural land conversion has become increasingly serious. Approximately 135,000 illegal factories are located on agricultural land in Taiwan, according to the 2018 National Agricultural Land Resources Inventory. The metal industry is an important industry in Taiwan. It has also been criticized for causing environmental pollution. Through the use of multiple government databases, this study explores the relationship between the establishment of illegal metal factories and the pollution they produce. Using data collected from townships and cities, the study evaluated the effects of illegal metal factories on environmental pollution. A total of 2,704 illegal metal factories have been identified on farmland, including 142 upstream metal firms and 2,562 downstream metal firms. A two-stage least squares regression model, 2SLS, was used for the empirical analysis. An increase in the number of reports of pollution caused by illegal metal factories on farmlands has been observed. In light of the upstream metal industry, the study found that each additional legal metal factory in a township will increase the number of upstream metal factories by approximately 0.020 per year. With every additional illegal factory, 13.18 cases of air pollution will be produced, 208.5 cases of odour III pollution will be produced, 176.2 cases of noise pollution will be produced, 31.11 cases of water pollution will be produced, and 39.80 cases of fire pollution will be produced. As a result, heavy metal pollution in agricultural soil (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni) is expected to increase by 2.773 grams per kilogram, Zn pollution by 2.150 grams, and Ni pollution by 1.095 grams; the total amount of heavy metal pollution (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni) is expected to increase by 7.379 grams.


Farmland illegal factories Metal industry Pollution


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