  • 學位論文

農林鑲嵌地景臺灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之空間及資源利用

Space and resource use of Taiwanese Macaques(Macaca cyclopis) in forest-agricultural mosaic landscapes

指導教授 : 蘇秀慧 林宜靜


農林鑲嵌區域因為森林環境的破碎化及農作物資源的可利用性提高,讓野生動物與人類的距離拉近,也常因野生動物取食農作物而導致人獸衝突(human-wildlife conflict),其中非人靈長類因為是機會主義覓食者、適應性高和高智力被認為對農作物破壞性大又難以預防。農作物受損害的風險與非人靈長類的天然食物資源可利用性、農作物的成熟度及猴群棲息地的使用類型相關。本研究於 2020 年 3 月至 2022 年 1 月期間,在雲林縣林內鄉湖本村及林茂村利用自動照相機對柑橘類果園及天然林進行監測,獲得每個監測點的獼猴相對豐度,以及在湖本村調查臺灣獼猴天然食物資源量的變化狀況,並進行猴群調查,使用掃瞄取樣法(scan sampling)收集猴群點位、猴群組成及行為模式,獲得猴群空間利用的資料。研究結果顯示,在柑橘類成熟期(8 月至 12 月)臺灣獼猴會更加靠近果園,在果園的自動照相機的資料也顯示在成熟期果園周圍臺灣獼猴的出現頻度較高,然而在天然林的自動照相機資料顯示臺灣獼猴在成熟期與生長期(1 月至 7 月)的相對豐度沒有顯著差異。雖然在成熟期天然食物果實量下降,但總體自然食物資源的可利用性對臺灣獼猴來說沒有明顯差異,因此顯示柑橘類農作物資源吸引臺灣獼猴取食,而與天然食物資源較無相關。對於猴群的棲地偏好上也有類似結果,在成熟期 D 猴群偏好利用果園,L 猴群偏好利用竹林,而竹林大部分緊鄰果園,認為是受到柑橘類影響而在果園周圍棲息,而在柑橘類生長期時,D 猴群偏好竹林與混淆林地,L 猴群偏好闊葉林,在沒有柑橘類資源可利用時偏好待在天然食物資源較豐富的棲地。


Owing to forest fragmentation and availability of crops in forest-agricultural mosaic landscapes, the distance between wildlife and humans is shortened, and crop raiding by wildlife often results in human-wildlife conflict(HWC). In particularly, nonhuman primates are considered making sever damage and difficult to prevent because of their opportunism, high adaptability to modified habitats and intelligence. The risk of crop raiding by non-human primate is related to the availability of their natural food resources for non-human primates, the maturity of the crops and the types of habitat surrounding the crop lands used. From March 2020 to January 2022, trail cameras were used to monitor citrus orchards and forests, for collection information on macaque activity in Huben Village and Linmao Village in Linnei Township, Yunlin County. In addition, phenological survey of the natural food resources of Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis) was conducted in Huben Village to obtain the monthly variation in the availability of fruits and leaves of major food resources. Field observation was conducted to collect data on monkey locations, group composition and behavior of macaque groups. The results showed during the citrus maturation period (August to December), macaques were closer to the orchards compared to the citrus growing period (January to July) when citrus were not available for the monkeys. Trail cameras near the orchards also show that the macaques appear more frequently around the orchards during the maturation period. However, forest trail camera data showed no significant difference in the occurrence of macaques between maturation and growing period. Althoug the estimated amount of natural fruits from the sampling trees decreased during the maturation period, there was no significant difference in the availability of overall natural resources for macaques. Therefore, it suggested that citrus crops were attractive to macaques rather than the dynamics of natural food resources, amd the occurrence of the macaques increased around the orchards. There were similar results shown in the habitat selection by the monkey groups. In the maturation period, Troop D positively selected over orchards, Troop L monkey frequently stayed in bamboo forests, near the citrus orchards through which they entered the orchards. However, during the citrus growing period, Troop D selected over bamboo forests and mixed forests, while Troop L preferred to stay in broad leaved forests where abundant natural food resources were available.


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李玲玲、吳海音、張仕緯、徐芝敏、摩悌(2002)台灣獼猴現況調查。台灣獼猴保與經營管理沿討論成果報告。行政院農業委員會,8-33 頁。
林務局自然保育網(2018)臺灣獼猴防治手冊〔附件〕。行政院農業委員會。2018年4月10日,取自: https://conservation.forest.gov.tw/0001918/臺灣獼猴防治手冊.pdf
林務局自然保育網(2018)雲林湖本八色鳥野生動物重要棲息環境〔公告〕。行政院農業委員會。2021年11月23日,取自: https://conservation.forest.gov.tw/0000183
