  • 學位論文


Study of Formosan sambar deer fed with commercial total mixed ration during velvet antler production period

指導教授 : 吳錫勳 張秀鑾


完全混合日糧(total mixed ration, TMR)為營養均衡之飼糧,可避免牛隻因挑食而影響瘤胃健康,亦可改善日糧適口性、提高牛乳產量及節省餵養牛隻之人力。此技術已廣泛應用於乳牛之餵飼,卻鮮少應用於養鹿產業。本試驗旨在利用傳統餵飼方式(即精粗分飼)與完全混合日糧對產茸期臺灣水鹿之影響,並利用次世代定序技術(next generation sequencing, NGS)分析糞便微生物,探討不同餵飼方式對腸道菌相之影響。試驗利用臺灣水鹿公鹿 30 頭,依據個體前次產茸重量及年齡進行分組,分為對照組(精粗料分飼)及 TMR 組(商用完全混合日糧),於產茸期進行餵飼試驗,試驗平均長茸期為 75 天。結果顯示,不同飼糧處理對產茸期臺灣水鹿之乾物質採食量(2.91 vs. 2.91 kg/d)、產茸量(1.79 vs. 2.00 kg)、體重(145.15 vs. 154.08 kg)及體況評分(3.43 vs. 3.65),均無顯著影響(P > 0.05)。在鹿茸組成分分析上,對照組鹿茸灰分含量(43.36%)顯著高於處理組(38.92%)(P < 0.05)。在血液生化值方面,血液中三酸甘油酯(25.94 vs. 33.53 mg/dL)及總膽固醇(76.76 vs. 116.47 mg/dL)含量皆以對照組顯著低於完全混合日糧組(P < 0.05),血清尿素氮(serum urine nitrogen, SUN)含量則是對照組顯著高於處理組(29.48 vs. 24.89 mg/dL)(P < 0.05)。在經濟效益評估,以鹿茸平均產量收入扣除試驗期間飼養成本計算,完全混合日糧組較對照組每頭增加 2,867 元之收益。在糞便菌相分析,對照組及 TMR 組皆以 Firmicutes 及Bacteroidetes 為腸道優勢菌。綜上所述,以完全混合日糧餵飼之產茸性能雖與傳統餵飼方式無顯著差異,但可提高經濟效益(25,140 vs. 28,007 元/頭)。


Total mixed ration (TMR) is a nutritionally balanced diet that can promote rumen health by avoiding animals from eating preferred feed components first or only, improve palatability, increase milk yield and reduce required labor for feeding. The use of TMR feeding is a very common practice in the dairy, but not the deer, industry. In the present study, 30 male Formosan Sambar deer were randomly divided into two groups based on their previous velvet antler production performance, age, body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) and fed with traditional feed (concentrate and forage are fed separately) (Control group) and the commercial TMR (TMR group; same crude protein 17% as the control diet), and respectively during the production period of velvet antlers (approximately 75 days). In addition, fecal microbiota was analyzed by the Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and compared between the two dietary treatments. Results showed that the average dry matter intake (DMI) (2.91 ± 0.17 vs. 2.91 ± 0.12 kg/d), velvet antlers production (1.79 ± 0.15 vs. 2.00 ± 0.22 kg), BW (145.15 ± 2.46 vs. 154.08 ± 3.52 kg) and BCS (3.43 ± 0.13 vs. 3.65 ± 0.10) were not statistically different between the control and TMR groups. The ash content of velvet antlers from deer fed with the control diet was significantly higher than that of the deer fed with TMR (43.36 ± 0.17 % vs. 3.92 ± 1.49 %) (P < 0.05). The plasma traits of triglyceride (25.94 ± 1.82 vs. 33.53 ± 2.19 mg/dL) and total cholesterol (76.76 ± 6.38 vs. 116.47 ± 9.93 mg/dL) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher for the deer in the TMR group than those of deer in the control group. In contrast, deer in the control group had higher serum urine nitrogen (SUN) than the TMR group (29.48 ± 1.10 vs. 24.89 ± 1.22 mg/dL) (P < 0.05). The economic benefits of the TMR group was 2,867 NT$/deer higher than that of the control group based the production of velvet antlers (deer fed with TMR was higher, but not statistically higher than that of deer fed with the control diet mainly due to large variation among individuals) and feed cost. The Firmicutes (59.20% vs. 57.50%) and Bacteroidetes (31.36% vs. 33.30%) are the dominant bacteria in gut microbiota for the control and TMR groups. In conclusion, although there is no significant difference in the production of velvet with the deer fed with the TMR diet, it can increase economic benefits (25,140 vs. 28,007 NTD/per deer).


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