  • 學位論文

《小黑,別擔心!》 兒童情緒性焦慮之繪本創作研究

《The Nervous Cat》 Picture Book Creation and Study of Anxiety for Children

指導教授 : 詹玉艷
共同指導教授 : 曾志峰(Chih-Feng Tseng)


紛紛擾擾的世界裡,許多事情令人擔心、憂慮,普通的焦慮於事過境遷後,即刻解放;若是過度的擔心,則累積為慢性焦慮,甚至變成廣泛性焦慮症,不斷地擴大內心的負向信念。大人的焦慮很明顯,兒童卻不容易闡述,或是發掘其焦慮之情形。在國內專攻兒童心理醫療資源不足的狀況下,一般民眾較少觸及相關衛教資訊,可能導致有焦慮傾向的兒童,無法獲得身心裡的緩解。   彙整情緒、焦慮症、人格特質、社會知覺以及認知行為治療法後,發現藉由閱讀合適的主題繪本對於情緒抒發、舒緩有所幫助之「發展性兒童書目療法」。本次兒童情緒繪本創作中,以擬人化的小黑貓為故事主角,該角色性格帶有焦慮之人格特質,而輔助角色為代表正向信念的蝴蝶。貓與蝴蝶之組合,於中華文化裡,寓意吉祥,藉此平衡黑貓不祥的印象,加強正向的意念。透過三幕劇敘事架構,從鋪陳、衝突、結局,描繪主角焦慮的情景與過程;最後,蝴蝶出現解救小黑貓,象徵驅離負向信念,迎來正向信念。除實體繪本之創作外,另因應網路世代潮流,將繪本內容以2D動畫形式製成影片並上傳網路平台,不僅添加動態圖像的趣味性與故事劇情的節奏感,透過網際網路的傳播,能使兒童焦慮的議題獲取更多關注。


In our daily life, we are used to worry things even the trivial one. The mood won’t be released until the matter is all over. But for someone who may concern deeply, the anxiety will turn one into an excessive and uncontrollable result, as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. To compare with adults, the symptoms of children are not perceivable or even describable. Under the situation of insufficient resources specialized in children’s psychological medical care and relevant health and education information, which leads to those children are not able to obtain the physical and mental relief.   After research of emotion, anxiety, personality traits, social perception and cognitive behavioral therapy, I find out that "Developmental Bibliotherapy with Children" is the way can help for children’s expression and mental relief through reading the picture books with appropriate theme. Since then, I am motivated and the creation of picture book is scheduled. The leading character, an anthropomorphic black cat, plays an anxious kid and the supporting role is a butterfly which represents the positive spirit. The story adopts 3-act structure to depict how the kid conquers his fear of the dark and explores to find a way out from dread at final. I hope the book can encourage children and give them a sense of relief after reading each time.   In addition to the picture book, a motion graphics shared the same contents animation is made for the sake of better spreading on web. Through internet such as youtube channel, I wish the issues of anxiety in children can be paid more attention and interested as well.


一、 專書
Benjamin B. Lahey( 2011)。心理學概要第十版(Psychology: An Introduction, 10e)(黎士鳴譯)。台北市:麥格羅.希爾。(原著2008出版)
