  • 學位論文


A Study on the Mental Models and Consensus Maps of Overseas Independent Travel and Group Package Tour Consumers

指導教授 : 蔡子安




First, this study utilized the Revised Personal Involvement Inventory (RPII) to select consumers who showed high involvement with the independent travel and group package tour as interviewees. Through the Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET) to elicited respondents’ self-generated meanings of independent travel and group package tour to obtain the mental models of consumers. Means-end chains (MEC) analysis was then applied to categorize the respondents’ mental models into levels based on the product type. Subsequently, a consensus map was obtained, from which the key driving factors that lead to action are determined. Results show that the consensus maps of independent travel consumers are as follows:〝culture→savored→freedom, 〞 〝scenery visit→cleanness→comfort,〞〝scenery visit→different feelings→comfort,〞〝tourism adventure→different feelings→comfort,〞and〝trip planning→different feelings→comfort.〞Similarly, the consensus maps of group package tour consumers are as follows:〝trip planning→customization→comfort,〞〝trip planning→customization→pleasure, 〞〝requirements→customization→pleasure,〞〝requirements→customization→comfort,〞〝tourism adventure→building friendship→pleasure,〞and〝leave the comfort zone→building friendship→pleasure.〞Besides, this study discovers both independent travel and group package tour has one final values which are “comfort,” but the attributes after the link are different. Finally, understanding the value feeling behind the consumers' consensus maps of independent travel and group package tour, and apply it to tourism-related industry to develop marketing strategies for reference.


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