  • 學位論文


Undergraduate Hospitality Management Students Participate in Domestic or Oversea Internship Programs Effect on Career Planning

指導教授 : 鄭瑞昌
共同指導教授 : 蔡招仁(Frank C. Tsai)


人力資源是餐旅業發展過程中重要的關鍵因素之一,良好的餐旅服務專業人才與穩定的人力資源供給更為企業奠定良好的經營基礎。由於餐旅業職場的工作特性,通常需要龐大的人力資源,因此餐旅業在人力供給方面有迫切的需求,而實習學生是餐旅業重要的人力來源,隨著參與真實的餐旅業工作實習的機會,了解業界的實務運作,學生的實習體驗,並進一步影響到未來就業的選擇。 本研究以獲得教育部99年學海築夢專案補助之國內各大專校院餐旅系科學校,以各接受補助學校參與海外實習學生為主,加上同校參與國內實習之餐旅系科學生為研究對象。採問卷調查法,針對研究對象發出問卷,共回收有效問卷147份。以因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析、卡方檢定、羅吉斯迴歸分析等統計方法進行檢定分析。研究結果顯示學生參與不同實習地點對實習經驗滿意度分析,在「進行職業試探(理論與實務相互印證)」方面達顯著(p<.05)差異,以及不同實習地點對職涯規劃意向分析,在「相關科系升學」方面達顯著差異。 本研究探討大專校院餐旅系科學生參與國內、外實習經驗對職涯規劃之影響,藉著實習過程實際進入職場了解業界環境,具有統整學校課程和業界實務功能與應用,使學生習得符合業界期待的技術與能力,幫助學校與業界了解學生對實習合作措施的整體滿意度與感受,提供產官學界未來改善校外實習措施之方向,吸引更多受過培訓的優秀人才續留餐旅業發展,以創造餐旅業的人才穩定性,並提升服務品質及整體產業水準,另一方面也可提供學生選擇校外實習地點之參考。


Human resources management is a critical factor in developing a hospitality enterprise, adequate human resources supply usually becomes a fundamental issue for the business. Hospitality industry is inherently labor intensive and service oriented. Carrying this line of thought further, hospitality internship programs have become important sources of qualified workforce for the hospitality industry. Interns experience and learn a positive and friendly disposition, a healthy work ethic and a sound attitude toward service, as well as a real sense of responsibility. This learning process will further effect on one’s choice of future career. This study was designed in assessing Ministry of Education’s 99 Xue-Hai Dream project award recipients’ internship experiences, coupled with domestic interns within hospitality industry. 162 questionnaires were distributed to systematic selected interns, with a return rate of 90.7%, a total of 147 valid questionnaires were collected. Collected data was analyzed with Factor analysis, independent sample t test, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, chi-square test, logistic regression analysis and other statistical methods to test analysis. Statistical significant was found in career exploring where interns satisfaction were different in different internship sites (p <.05), and career planning intention was also found significantly correlated with the related departments of education with different internship sites. Career internships offer valuable experience and can help hospitality majors gain future employment. Practical working experience for an intern has provided an integrated opportunity of curriculum, practical operations, and applications for students with the industry practical expects. A wide range of jobs opportunities and worldwide locations, hospitality internships are valuable tools when hospitality undergraduates want to develop him/herself or even hunt for a job after graduate from college. Internship contributes not only for students’ benefits, but also for academic curriculum development and industry’s demands.


