  • 學位論文


A Study of the Factors Affecting the Job Performance in Financial Industry- Integrating the Viewpoints of Corporate Culture, Incentive System and Organizational Commitment

指導教授 : 李國瑋
共同指導教授 : 張宏吉


我國近年來金融產業蓬勃發展,金融商品不斷推陳出新,然理財專員為金融機構創造績效及展現差異化之重要人力資本,為探討理財專員之工作績效,本研究自我國金融機構企業文化、激勵制度、組織承諾之角度探討其關聯性。 本研究以量化問卷調查方式作為研究方法,研究對象為我國金融機構理財專員;在問卷發放上,總計發放350份,回收有效問卷338份,有效回收率96.57%。研究結果顯示:金融機構之企業文化、激勵制度、組織承諾對理財專員之工作績效均產生正向顯著影響。 本研究最後根據實證結果提出管理意涵及建議,藉此提供管理階層,就提升理財專員職涯穩定之角度,使國人於理財時能有更為適格之理財專員為其提供規劃及管理,更藉此提高我國金融業者爭取境外財富管理的競爭力。


Taiwan's financial industry has undergone rapid development as of late. Innovations on current financial instruments continue to be brought forth,yet financial specialists are vital,and very human assets that create meritorious achievements and showcase their diversity for the financial institutions that employ them. To explore the work performance of financial specialists,this study explores the correlations from the perspective of corporate culture,incentive systems and organizational commitment of Taiwan’s financial institutions. This study adopted the quantitative survey approach as its research methodology,with the object of research being financial specialists working for financial institutions. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed with a total of 338 valid responses. The effective recovery rate was 96.57 percent. Research results show that a significant positive effect on the performance of financial specialists was brought about by financial institution’s corporate culture,incentive systems and organizational commitment. Finally,this study sites management implications and proposes recommendations for management based on the empirical results from the perspective of enhancing the career stability of financial specialists,so that the public can locate qualified specialists for financial planning and money management needs, and more importantly,from the perspective of boosting the competitiveness of Taiwan’s financial industry to allow it to compete overseas wealth management systems.


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