  • 學位論文


Applying artificial neural network to the impact of price promotion mix on consumer purchase intention: A case of clothing online shopping sites

指導教授 : 顏憶茹


網際網路的普及促使了網路購物的興起,其方便、快速且不受時間、地點限制的購物特性,降低了消費者蒐集產品資訊的時間、成本。現階段消費者對價格越趨敏感,廠商為了提升銷售量,衍伸出許多不同的價格促銷方式。但在琳瑯滿目的促銷活動下,卻容易使消費者產生麻痺、疲態,甚至負面觀感。因此,如何有效、適當的進行價格促銷成為重要的議題之一。 本研究以價格促銷組合(直接降價、滿額折扣、折價券、免運費、折扣幅度與折扣頻率)、生活型態及消費者的購買意願作為研究構面。首先,本研究先以因素分析將生活型態分為網路使用程度、精打細算程度及對社群網站消息吸引力三種區隔市場,並依各個市場的平均值作為區隔依據。接著,利用倒傳遞網路來探討各個區隔後的市場其價格促銷組合對消費者購買意願的影響,找出各區隔市場所適用的價格促銷組合,以提供業者以訂定精準行銷策略的依據。 研究結果發現,尚未分群的消費者較偏好直接降價的折扣方式,且對於免運費的促銷工具有較大的吸引力;精打細算程度較低的消費者較偏好折價券的折扣方式,對於滿額折扣的促銷工具有較大的吸引力;對社群網站消息吸引力較高的消費者較無偏好的折扣方式,但對於免運費的促銷工具則有較大的吸引力;網路使用程度低的消費者較偏好直接降價的折扣方式,但對於各項促銷工具均不具有太大的吸引力;網路使用程度高、精打細算程度較高與對社群網站消息吸引力較低的消費者均較偏好直接降價的折扣方式,且對於滿額折扣及免運費的促銷工具均有吸引力。除此之外,各群體皆最為在意折扣幅度的多寡,同時也在意折扣的頻率,因此建議廠商可以以較高的折扣頻率搭配較大的折扣幅度作為吸引消費者的主要誘因。


Internet popularity has prompted the rise of online shopping, whose easy, fast and free from time and place way of shopping reduces a lot consumers’ time and cost on product information gathering. Nowadays, consumers are increasingly price sensitive, which causes manufacturers to carry out a variety of different price promotions in order to increase sales. However, too many promotional activities may only make consumers nonresponsive to, or even have a negative perception of those promotions. So, how to conduct an effective and appropriate price promotion has become an important issue. The research constructs in this study cover the price promotion mix (direct price reduction, discount with purchase of certain amount, coupons, free shipping, discount level and discount frequency), life style and consumer purchase intention. This study first uses factor analysis to divide life style into three kinds of market segmentation: Internet usage level, careful spending level and social network message attraction level. Then, this study uses the Back-Propagation Network to explore the effects of price promotion mix on consumer purchase intention in the three market segments. Thus, applicable price promotion mix can be identified for each market segment, and the clothing industry can use the results to form an effective marketing strategy. The results show that all subject consumers prefer direct price reduction, and free shipping has a greater appeal to them. Consumers of lower level of careful spending prefer coupons, and discount with purchase of certain amount shows greater appeal to them. Consumers of higher level of social network message attraction have no preference on various manners of discount, but free shipping promotion is more attractive to them. Consumers of lower degree of internet usage prefer direct price reduction, but various promotional tools are not very attractive to them. Consumers of higher level of internet usage and careful spending as well as consumers of lower level of social network message attraction prefer direct price reduction, and discount with purchase of certain amount and free shipping are attractive promotional tools to them. In addition, every group is most concerned about the discount level and the discount frequency. It is recommended that vendors offer discounts at a higher frequency and of a larger magnitude as a major incentive to attract consumers.


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