  • 學位論文


Development of an Experiential Augmented Reality Learning System to Explore Students’ Emotional Competence in Natural Science Education

指導教授 : 黃天麒


本研究設計一個戶外體驗式擴增實境學習系統,引導學生於戶外環境中依循體驗式學習的四個進程體驗、反思、歸納及應用做學習。學習過程中學生藉由系統自我檢測學習前後情緒並回饋情緒感受。其系統探討學生在使用不同學習工具(擴增實境系統與紙本講義)與有無解說員的差異,分成三組為AR組、AR解說組及傳統組。實驗目的探討三組之體驗式學習活動、情緒感受與成效是否有差異。學習內容配合九年一貫課程指標設計,並以植物園為研究場域,設定四個學習主題「臺東蘇鐵區」、「季風雨林區」、「中部低海拔區」及「熱帶雨林區」。學習過程有AR組、AR解說組由AR系統作為學習輔助教材,兩組差異為AR解說組有引導解說員;傳統組則選用紙本講義。實驗三組皆需觀察與學習一樣的動植物學習教材。實驗結果發現AR解說組與傳統組學生在體驗式學習的「參與」、「能力」及「興趣」面向差異達顯著,而在「挑戰」面向差異未達顯著。最後以測驗與問卷所蒐集的資訊進行統計分析其瞭解學生學習體驗式學習表現、情緒感受與成效,並訪談學生深入瞭解學習心得。 一、體驗式學習活動以不同學習工具與系統有人員解說對學生的學習情緒感受、學習成效具有的影響 二、使用擴增實境系統能讓學生在參與、能力與興趣有較佳的表現 三、使用擴增實境系統能提升學習正向情緒


The study designed an outdoor experiential augmented reality learning system to guide students to follow the four processes of experiential learning in outdoor environments: experience, reflection, induction and application. During the learning process, students tested their emotions before and after learning via the system on their own and give feedback on their motions. The system explored the differences among using different learning tools (augmented reality system and paper handouts) and the existence or absence of a guide. Students were divided into three groups: AR group, AR guiding group and traditional group. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there were differences in experiential learning activities, emotions and learning effects among the three groups. The learning contents of the study were in line with the curriculum indicators of the Grade 1-9 curriculum, and the botanical garden was the research field. Four learning topics were established: Taitung cycads area, Central lowland, Monsoon rainforest and Tropical rainforest. The experimental group included AR group, and AR guiding group. The AR system was used as learning support materials for the AR guiding group. The difference between the two groups was that the AR guiding group had a guide; the traditional group used paper handouts. All three groups must observe the same plant and animal learning materials. The experiment results showed that there were significant differences in "participation," "ability," and "interest" in experiential learning between the AR guiding group and the traditional group. And there was no significant difference in the aspect of "challenge." Finally, quantitative information was used for statistical analysis of students’ experiential learning performance, emotions and learning effects. Six students were randomly selected for in-depth interviews. 1.Experiential learning activities using different learning tools and systems with a guide affected the experiential learning performance, emotions and learning effects of students. 2.The use of AR system allowed students have better performance in the aspects of participation, ability and interest. 3.The use of the AR system enhanced positive learning emotion.


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黃思齊(2016)。實現三角定位增強型演算法與Google Glass 擴增實境技術之室內導覽系統〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-2406201610121900
