  • 學位論文


The antecedents and consequences of co-production: An empirical study of online games

指導教授 : 李家瑩


近年來隨著網際網路迅速的發展,線上遊戲如雨後春筍般的出現,消費者擁有充足的資訊去搜尋網路遊戲,能依照個別的喜好去選擇。而線上遊戲發展至今,消費者對於遊戲內容品質的要求越來越高,為了迎合消費者的需求,線上遊戲開發商慢慢開始讓消費者共同參與遊戲內容的設計。共同生產是一個動態的過程,消費者可以藉此向廠商反映出自己的喜好,使廠商有機會可以對產品的缺點進行修正與改善。過去相關研究主要關注於顧客及企業之間的共同生產,將共同生產的焦點放在對企業端的影響,討論共同生產對於企業提高生產力的影響,然而,企業從共同生產過程中所得到的好處主要來自於顧客的參與,如何刺激顧客的共同生產的意願是很重要的。 過去研究對於消費者參與共同生產之後果相當有限,然而共同生產所帶來的影響力對廠商端與消費端而言是至關重要的,像是:讓顧客有更多選擇及忠誠度。因此,本研究主要從消費者連結及產品連結等兩種連結,探討消費者共同生產前置變數,更進一步探討顧客參與共同生產之因素及共同生產對於產品評價與顧客忠誠度之影響。本研究將情境設定在線上遊戲產業,並且以參與過線上遊戲公測的玩家為受測者,以便利抽樣蒐集問卷,共回收325份,扣除無效問卷21份,共得有效問卷304份,進行統計及分析資料,藉以驗證所提出之模式。本研究結果發現,消費者連結及產品連結兩個前置因素對共同生產有顯著影響,共同生產會進一步影響產品評價。 關鍵字:互動性、情感承諾、共同生產、產品評價、顧客忠誠度


With rapid development of the Internet, online games have become more and more popular. In the competitive market, online game firms have to satisfy consumers’s need by providing high quality products. One way to understand consumers’ preferences is to invite consumers to participate in the design of the game content. Co-production is a dynamic process, through which online game firms can improve the quality of the product. Previous studies focus on co-production between the customers and firms and its influence on the profitability of the firms. However, firms can benefit from a co-production process via consumers’ participation. It is critical to understand how to stimulate consumers’ intention toward co-production. Few studies discuss consumers’ participation in the co-prodution process. Co-production may give firms chances to satisfy customers’ need and also provide customers with more product alternatives. Thus, this study would like to investigate the antecedents of co-production from the perspctvie of consumer like and the perspctvie of product link. Besides, the influences of co-production on consumers’ product evaluations and loytalty are also explored. By using online game as the research context, this study used convience smapling and invited online game players to fill up the questionnaire items. 325 questioniares were collected, with 21 invalid, and thus 304 were usable. The results indicated that both consumer like and the product link have influences on co-production. In addition, this study also found that co-production has influences on product evaluation, and further impact consumers’ loyalty. Keywords: Interactivity, Affective Commitment, Co-production, Product Evaluation, Customer Loyalty


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