  • 學位論文

臺灣生活美學竹藝之承傳與創新 ─以大禾竹藝工坊之竹藝設計為例研究─以大禾竹藝工坊之竹藝設計為例研究

The Study of the Tradition and Innovation of Life Aesthetics of Taiwanese Bamboo Art-Taking the Design of Bamboola Taiwan as an Example

指導教授 : 卓聖格


摘要 臺灣是世界最重要的產竹地區之一,竹材資源豐富,是臺灣具優勢的工藝材料之一。竹工藝亦是臺灣重要的傳統工藝之一,從早期臺灣先民生活中食、衣、住、行或育樂,乃至於現代人的日常生活,皆有著密不可分的關係。另外,竹工藝產業也曾經是臺灣最具競爭力的產業之一,曾為國家賺取不少外匯。然而,隨著塑膠等廉價材料的大量應用,加上國內、外經濟情勢的變化,以及工資上漲等問題,臺灣的竹材加工業紛紛轉移至大陸與東南亞投資生產,導致竹工藝製品及竹材加工等相關產業競爭力衰減,產業也隨之漸行沒落,甚至面臨存續的困境。其中,成立超過三十年的大禾竹藝工坊,一直以來皆致力於臺灣生活美學竹藝之承傳與創新,不僅始終屹立不搖,且成功的打入國際市場,為臺灣傳統竹藝之價值再創,樹立了一個良好的典範。 有鑑於此,本研究期望藉由臺灣生活美學竹藝之承傳與創新,並以大禾竹藝工坊之竹藝設計為例研究,內文除了回顧台灣竹工藝產業過去百年的發展脈絡外,還分別以生活美學設計、文化創意設計、現代工藝設計等角度切入,探討檢視臺灣傳統竹工藝的優勢與劣勢外,並為臺灣竹藝的興衰起落找出其關鍵因素,除做為臺灣竹工藝產業未來發展的歷史借鏡外,並提出解決之道。 本研究發現,大禾竹藝工坊之所以能始終屹立不搖,在於其堅持傳承,專注於臺灣竹藝文化的發揚與竹工藝的設計開發製作,不僅持續創新材質的開發,且成功將中國傳統的榫接技術,完美的在竹藝製作中承傳。在設計上,引領潮流,除添加了時尚語彙,更導入現代生活美學設計觀,多元化的讓竹藝走入生活的每個層面。此外,大禾更致力於本土品牌的建立,並導入現代的行銷概念,這些堅持與創新的做法,的確對解決臺灣當前竹藝產業的困境,有相當之助益,值得加以彰顯推廣。


ABSTRACT Taiwan is one of the most important bamboo producing areas in the world, and is full of bamboo resource which is one of the most advantageouscraft materials; and bamboo art is also one of the most important traditional crafts in Taiwan. From the ancient period to modern life, people is living closely with bamboo in each part of life, such as feeding, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, etc. Besides, bamboo craft industry had been one of the most competitive industries in Taiwan, and earned much money from foreign countries. However, while the cheap materials (such as plastics) adopted extensively, and the domestic and foreign conditions changing, and other problems including wage rising, etc., Taiwanese bamboo product manufacturers has numerously moving out for investing in China or South East Asia. This problem results in the decline of the related industries of bamboo crafts and products, and they are even facing the toughness to live. But one of them, the Bamboola Taiwan,has been withstanding for more than 30 years, and continually dedicating to the tradition and innovation of life aesthetics of Taiwanese bamboo art; Bamboola Taiwan has successfully entered the international market, and set a successful example for the value innovation of traditional Taiwanese bamboo art. In view of the above, this study expects to research through the tradition and innovation of life aesthetics of Taiwanese bamboo art, and take the design of Bamboola Taiwan asan example, to look back at the context of Taiwanese bamboo craft industry during last hundred years, and explore the advantages and weaknesses of traditional Taiwanese bamboo art distinctively from the angles of life aesthetics design, cultural creative design, and modern art design, etc., to find the key factors of the success or decline of Taiwanese bamboo craft that can be the historical reference of the future development of Taiwanese bamboo art industry; furthermore, this study has proposed the needed solution. Comprehensively looking at the data of this study, it is found that Bamboola Taiwan has been able to withstanding just because it insists in its tradition of craft art and the innovation , design, and development of bamboo art and technology; not only the development and application of the innovative materials, but also the successful adoption of traditional Chinese mortise technology, are both perfectly in its traditional bamboo production. Its design leads the trend more. In addition to adding the fashionimagination, it imports the design concept of the aesthetics of modern life.Its diversified design and development make bamboo art entering into every aspect of life. Furthermore, Bamboola Taiwan has been committed to establish the local brand and adopted modern marketing concept. These efforts and innovative approaches, indeed is quite helpful to the current predicament of the bamboo craft industry in Taiwan, and worth to be explored, adopted, and manifested.


