  • 學位論文


Study on Guiding System of Exhibition by Using Image Retrieval Technique

指導教授 : 黃國峰


隨著科技日新月異,智慧型手機亦普及於日常生活中,許多行為模式受到改變,亦影響著未來輔助導覽的方式,也改變了展覽與觀眾的互動模式,行動導覽逐漸成為輔助導覽的趨勢。行動裝置擴展了人類許多外部功能,其媒體功能強大、個人化、輕巧且攜帶方便,這些優勢將成為行動導覽的利器。而行動裝置辨識方式多元從掃描條碼、QR code、衛星定位到影像辨識等,使行動導覽互動方式十分多樣化,亦可參考導覽內容,作符合其內容需求的互動設計,使觀眾獲得更深入的知識、更多元的導覽體驗。 本研究首先針對研究目的進行相關文獻探討,而後研究分為兩階段,第一階段研究,首先以影像辨識技術建構一個應用於展覽時可使用之導覽系統,此導覽系統使用電腦視覺演算法SIFT來提取特徵值方式以辨識展覽目標。第二階段則將本研究設計出之導覽系統,實際應用於書法展覽中,在現場隨機邀請了21位觀眾進行實驗,請觀眾使用導覽系統,進行問卷訪談,藉以了解使用者的滿意度與接受度。研究結果,影像辨識技術建構之導覽系統,有助於使用者的導覽體驗。


行動導覽 SIFT 影像查詢


As science and technology advance, and smartphones come into trend, there are some changes in the way people lead their lives. It also affects the manner of auxiliary browser system, hence alters the way audiences interact with the exhibitions. Mobile guide has gradually become the dominant trend of guiding system. Portable devices also offer many new extra functions. Besides, we combined the advantages of its multifunction, individualizing features, user-friendly platforms, and light design with the ubiquitous internet access, making it a perfect personal guidance. We have developed various ways for it to acquire new information from bar code scanning, QR code scanning, Global Positioning System (GPS) to the latest image recognition systems, which all contribute to the variety of its interaction with users. We may also revise the system in certain way that it can meet our goals of further or wider understanding to our system for audiences. In the first place, we will discuss the related journals and theses then we will separate it into two parts. The first part covers how we constructed a image recognition technique that can be applied in our guiding system during the exhibitions. We adopted the Computer Vision Algorithm, SIFT, to obtain image feature in order to recognize targets in exhibitions. The second part describes how it act in a real calligraphy fair, as we invited 21 participants to join our experiment randomly, and the results of following survey after they use our guiding system. We aim to clarify how they really accept or view our product in the survey. The result reveals that the recognition techniques does contribute to the guiding system and make the guidance better.


Mobile Guide SIFT Image Search


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