  • 學位論文


The Study of Quick Response Code Applied to Guide System—A Case of Ecological Exhibition of〝Dialogue between Birds and Technology〞

指導教授 : 曹筱玥


行動條碼(QR Code)在亞洲地區等地已有所發展,近年來台灣地區手機電信業者,開始在手機型號上都多加了「QR Code」內建解讀與可自行下載置入,行動條碼運用層面在未來應還有更多的創新與突破。台灣地狹人稠,小規模策展逐漸增加,在策展與導覽的成本考量下,有關體積小卻能夠夾帶大量資訊的行動條碼是否可以成為人員導覽與民眾吸收展覽資訊的輔助力量,是本研究的主要動機與原因。本研究目的有:(1)了解目前行動條碼的特性與發展。(2)歸納整理目前QR Code應用在導覽層面之案例與方式。(3)蒐集觀展者以QR Code作為導覽輔助之接受度。(4)探討觀展者經過QR Code作為導覽輔助之學習成效。 根據本研究之目的,採用文獻探討與專家訪談,歸納其可運用於導覽之特性,研究選擇進行設置具有QR Code導入展覽做為輔助之實驗性展場,以問卷調查與觀察法進行主體探討。實驗結果發現,經過QR Code導覽之學習成效,T檢定(P<0.05),表示經過QR Code導覽後有學習成效結果中有顯著差異,QR Code導覽對於展覽內容學習上有所提升。本研究即是希望藉由了解QR Code之特性應用於導覽資訊學習作為輔助,以提供未來在與QR Code結合之活動,無論是應用於導覽系統或作為展示品呈現應用,有所參考與貢獻。


條碼 QR Code 導覽


Quick Response Code(QR Code)has already developed in the Asian and other region. In recent years cellular phone telecommunication in Taiwan to set up this function and can be built into the download function on their own mobile phones. There will be more innovation and breakthroughs for act barcode utilization in the future. A tactic for small-scale exhibition increases gradually because of crowded Taiwan. On the considerations of exhibition planning and the cost,whether the small-volume with high- capacity storage QR Code becoming the assistance for is the navigation aids , and the public to get information of exhibition is the main motivations for the research. The purpose of this research is:(1)To understand the characteristics and development of the current bar code operation.(2)To induce the cases and strategies of current QR Code applied to exhibition.(3)To collect acceptance of audience guided in exhibition assisting by QR Code.(4)To discuss the learning effects of the public through assistance of QR Code in exhibition. In accordance with the purposes of this research, using interviews with experts and explore the literature,summarized the characteristics suitable for use in exhibition. Through questionnaire survey and observing methods,Set up a experimental exhibition site by assistance of QR Code.The experiment results reveal that from the learning effects through the guide of QR Code, the T examination result has reached the significant level (P<0.05).The data presents that QR Code after the guide of there are significant differences in learning effect the guide of QR Code provides the promotion for exhibition content meaning that of learning. In this study, we want to know the characteristics of QR Code applied to convey information of the navigation aids.To provide the combination of exhibition and QR Code in the future, whether it is applied to the navigation system or application of exhibits showing.


Bard Code QR Code navigation


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