  • 學位論文


Research on Spatial Planning and design of the Nursing home in Taichung City

指導教授 : 王伶芳


近年來臺灣地區因老年人口急速增加,現正面臨高齡化社會的來臨,導致家 庭扶養負擔加重,並且在整體家庭結構改變之下,婦女就業率提升,使家庭照顧 功能日漸低落,因此長期照顧服務的需求亦逐漸增加,目前已經形成供不應求的 現象;並隨著社會生活水準的提高及高齡者照護領域的知識及理念等逐漸成熟, 高齡者照護空間品質是現今大家所重視關心的議題之一。日常生活中最常接觸的 用餐場所即是居家中的餐廳,是家庭成員每日皆會使用到的空間,功能上有溝通 交流、聯繫彼此的感情,提升人們活力精神,是我們生活中的核心空間之一;其 「飲食」人類必需的日常生活行為,鑑於社會經濟結構的改變,國人物質生活水 準不斷的提昇,對於食、衣、住、行、育、樂等六大生活需求越趨講究;然而護 理之家等長期照護機構空間已逐漸朝向居家住宅設計之方向進行修正及改善,企 圖提供高齡者如家般的住居環境,並減緩老年人的退化程度。 本研究爲進行檢視現行臺中市護理之家用餐空間的環境規劃現況及特徵,針 對臺中市護理之家用餐空間進行田野調查,整理目前護理之家用餐空間的環境規 劃現況,且透過空間構成及裝修手法,進行歸納與分析用餐環境設計之特徵,並 且分析比較不同經營形態其裝修手法之差異性,並歸納影響用餐空間設計之因 素。 透過本研究分析發現空間構成中「醫院附設型」坪數規模較「獨立型」大, 建築樓層發展形式,以「醫院附設型」為水平向,「獨立型」為垂直向,空間組織 關係「醫院附設型」為中心型,「獨立型」為靠邊型;動線構成,「醫院附設型」 為間接及直接型,「獨立型」以間接為主,亦可以發現以間接為目前發展趨勢;裝 修手法部分,限於成本故無顯著差異,僅傢俱形式與裝飾元素有明顯區分。研究 建議基本每人享有用餐空間面積建議2.76 M2(0.83 坪)。


As the coming of aging society, the elderly population increases rapidly causing heavier burden of family dependents. Also the change in the family structure ,the function of family care decline however long-term service supply is unable to meet the demand. Current lifestyle and standard of specification of nursing home, not only lead to the elderly physiological function degradation, unable to enjoy entertainment but also have serious psychological and adaption problems for the elderly. Food is the basic necessities of daily life for human behavior , in our home space " restaurant " which is the space each member of family using everyday. Function includes communication, contact each other’s feeling, and thus enhance the vitality of the spirit of people.It is also the core space in our lives. Overall,institution need to meet the needs of psychological,just enable the elderly living comfortable. So far the dining space of nursing home play multiple roles like maintain relationship space and dining space. This study examine the current situation and characteristics of environmental planning existing dining space of nursing home in the Taichung city, environmental planning status currently finishing nursing home dining space, and the composition and decoration through space practices, to summarize the characteristics of the dining environment design and analysis, and the analysis and comparison of different forms of its renovation business practices of difference, and summarized the factors affecting the design of the dining space. Study found that Space constitution "hospital based type" area scale large more than the "independent type", building development in the form of stories, with " hospital based type " horizontal direction, "Independent" is the vertical direction, the spatial organization of the relationship, " hospital based type " as center type, "independent" is sidelined type; moving lines constitute "hospital attached to type" indirect and direct type, "independent" indirect-based, can also be found in the current trend for the development of indirect; partial renovation practices, limited hence there is no significant difference in cost, only in the form of furniture and decorative elements are clearly differentiated. Basic research suggests enjoy dining space area per person is recommended 2.76 M2.


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