  • 學位論文


Comparisons of Kinman' s Tourism Service Quality between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait ─ On a viewpoint of P.Z.B model

指導教授 : 周素娥


政府推動六大新興產業,其中之一就是拓展觀光旅遊事業。近年來,更開放中國大陸遊客來台觀光,創造觀光收益。本研究以國內首次試辦中國大陸遊客來台觀光之旅遊地區─金門,比較兩岸遊客對金門觀光旅遊服務品質之缺口。 主要以台灣遊客與大陸遊客為研究對象。就台灣遊客部分而言,過去學者所做相關研究顯示,團體遊客與自助遊客感受存在顯著差異,因此,本研究在台灣遊客部分將區分為團體遊客與自助遊客;大陸遊客部分,則以團體遊客為主要研究對象。以問卷方式進行實證研究,問卷調查期間適逢金門旅遊旺季,自2011年8月1日至2011年10月31日止。共發出1100份問卷,有效回收率97.64%。 研究結果顯示(1)比較台灣團體遊客與中國大陸遊客之服務品質缺口主要在有形性,如:旅遊基礎設施、旅遊附屬設施…;可靠性,如:服務人員具有高度熱忱解決問題、第一時間就能提供完善服務…;信賴性,如:服務人員能夠信任、具有足夠的專業知識…與關懷性,如:服務人員給予個人化關懷與照顧、了解遊客旅遊需求…。 (2)比較台灣自助遊客與中國大陸遊客之服務品質缺口主要在反應性,如:服務人員會詳盡告知旅遊行程與有關注意事項、不會因為太忙而忽略要求…;信賴性,如:服務人員能夠信任、具有足夠的專業知識…;與關懷性,如:服務人員給予個人化關懷與照顧、了解遊客旅遊需求…。 (3)比較台灣團體遊客與台灣自助遊客之服務品質缺口主要在有形性,如:旅遊基礎設施、服務人員穿著與言行舉止…;可靠性,如:服務人員對承諾的事情說到做到,準時完成承諾的事情…;反應性,如:服務人員會詳盡告知旅遊行程與有關注意事項、不會因為太忙而忽略要求…;與關懷性,如:服務人員給予個人化關懷與照顧、了解遊客旅遊需求…。 (4)台灣團體遊客之服務品質缺口主要在可靠性,如:服務人員對承諾的事情說到做到、第一時間就能提供完善服務…;反應性,如:服務人員會詳盡告知旅遊行程與有關注意事項、不會因為太忙而忽略要求…;信賴性,如:服務人員友善且有禮貌、讓遊客對旅遊地區充滿信心…與關懷性,如:服務人員給予個人化關懷與照顧、了解遊客旅遊需求…。 (5)台灣自助遊客之服務品質缺口主要在有形性,如:旅遊附屬設施、相關旅遊資訊文件…;可靠性,如:服務人員具有高度熱忱解決問題、能準時完成承諾的事情…與關懷性,如:服務人員給予個人化關懷與照顧、了解遊客旅遊需求…。 (6)中國大陸遊客之服務品質缺口主要在有形性,如:服務人員穿著與言行舉止、相關旅遊資訊文件…;可靠性,如:服務人員能準時完成承諾的事情、第一時間就能提供完善服務…;反應性,如:服務人員會詳盡告知旅遊行程與有關注意事項、迅速提供所需服務…;信賴性,如:服務人員能夠信任、具有足夠的專業知識…與關懷性,如:服務人員重視遊客最佳利益、了解遊客旅遊需求…。


Taiwanese government promoted the six key emerging industries. One of them was "Excellence in tourism ", and the government gave vigorous support to the tourism. In recent years, because of opening to Chinese mainland tourists to Taiwan for sightseeing, it created considerable tourism income. This study used Kinmen, the first of pilot area in Taiwan open for Chinese mainland tourists, to discuss the differences of service quality felt by visitors between the two sides of Taiwan Strait. The research objects were Taiwan tourists and Chinese mainland tourists, and Taiwan tourists were further divided into two groups, including group visitors and backpackers. According to the past study, there exist differences in group visitors and backpacker’s feeling. But when saying to Chinese mainland tourists, this research just used group visitors as the main research subject. This study was an evident-based research and was done by questionnaires, from August 1, 2011 to October 31, 2011. It was the high season for Kinmen’s tourism. In the end, 1100 questionnaires were filled out, with a effective response rate of 97.64%. The results showed that (1) Compared Taiwanese group visitors with Chinese mainland visitors, there were significant differences in tangibility , reliability, assurance and empathy. (2) Compared Taiwanese backpackers with Chinese mainland visitors, there were significant differences in responsiveness, assurance and empathy. (3) Compared Taiwanese group visitors with backpackers, there were significant differences in tangibility, reliability, responsiveness and empathy. (4) For Taiwanese group visitors, there were significant differences in reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy between expectation and perception. (5) For Taiwanese backpacker, there were significant differences in tangibility, reliability and empathy between expectation and perception. (6) For Chinese mainland tourists, there were significant differences in tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy between expectation and perception.


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