  • 學位論文


A Delegation-Based Authentication Protocol for Use in Artistic Authorization Environment

指導教授 : 葉昌國


目前在藝術授權環境中,原創者與設計公司仍然以實際雙方面對面洽談細節後,再簽約完成授權動作並給於授權書後,設計公司才能將原創者的作品加以設計成商品再與以販售。當消費者在購買該商品時,通常會要求設計公司出示授權書以證明該商品上的創作確為原創者所授權,此時消費者才願意出高價購買該商品,問題是消費者很難以肉眼分辨授權書的真假。透過本論文的研究,使用代理簽章驗證方法取代肉眼分辨,消費者藉由科學方法精確進行驗證商品是否原創者之藝術授權,所以消費者就不用再擔心難以分辨授權書真假的問題。本論文是首次將藝術授權驗證流程移植到網路上來運作,將代理簽章技術應用到藝術授權的環境,來解決上述的問題,提供消費者不會買到假貨更大的保障。   本論文主要是以密碼學中之代理簽章技術為基礎,進而解決目前在藝術授權環境中,消費者如何判定所購買到的商品,確實為原創作者經由合法授權給某設計公司後所設計製成的商品。例如,某知名畫家經紀公司授權某一設計公司,將親筆畫作設計生產為商品(如杯子、筆記書、皮件等),該商品經數位化後於網路上銷售。消費者購買時,如何判定此商品確為該知名畫家所授權。現代密碼學中的代理簽章技術可輕易解決此問題。本篇論文主要貢獻是將密碼學的數學理論基礎充分的應用於時尚界與藝術界環境所面臨的問題。經過本論文之拋磚引玉,希望引起更多學者研究如何進一步將密碼學的技術充分的應用於時尚界與藝術界環境所面臨的其他安全性的問題。


This research applies the technique of proxy signature to provide the solution for the following problem in the artistic authorization environment: A consumer how to tell the product that he/she bought from a design company in the internet is actually from the original creator who authorized the design company to design the product in which the original creator’s artistic creation inside. For example, a famous painter authorizes a design company to produce a product such as a cup, notebook or wallet in which his/her own paint inside. The product was digitalized by the design company and sold in the internet. The consumer determines to buy the product because the original creator’s paint inside the product. The problem is that the consumer how to tell the fact the paint inside the product is actually from the original creator who authorizes the design company to make this product. The above problem can be solved by the technique of the proxy signature. The main contribution of this research utilizes the technique of cryptography to provide the solution to the problem happened in the vogue or artistic environment.


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