  • 學位論文


Demographic Diversity, Intrateam Process, and Team Performance

指導教授 : 周素娥


團隊在組織內營造了一個合作的環境,團隊運作能否順利、任務是否圓滿達成,團隊內部成員的互動扮演了關鍵性的角色,且攸關團隊任務的成敗。本研究以團隊異質性做為團隊歷程的投入變數,探討團隊異質性與團隊互動過程對團隊績效的影響,並進一步將團隊互動過程區分為合作能耐構面(包含溝通與協調)及領導行為構面(包含體制與關懷)。此外,以團隊概念化程度(團隊型態)做為干擾變數,釐清團隊概念化程度的高低,對團隊互動過程與團隊績效的干擾效果。 本研究針對台海兩岸的80個高科技團隊發放問卷,以205個有效樣本進行統計分析,實證結果指出團隊互動過程中的領導行為對合作能耐有顯著的正向影響,且兩者對團隊績效皆有顯著的正向預測效果。領導者愈能重視團隊內部工作流程、規範和任務規劃,則有利於溝通管道的形成與整合程序的建立;另一方面,領導者對部屬的人際互動、傾聽及關心,有助於彼此信任的形成,可促進團隊內的溝通與協調的進行,對於團隊績效的提升有很大的助益。在投入變數的部份,團隊異質性雖然無法直接影響團隊績效,但對領導兩構面的關懷卻有顯著的正向影響。此結果顯示團隊成員本身的專業與背景差異程度,使得團隊領導者對成員的關懷程度提高。在團隊概念化程度對團隊歷程的干擾效果方面,本研究發現概念化程度高的團隊(如研發團隊)其任務不確定性高,工作目標及方法沒有清楚規範,因此團隊成員需要花很長的時間在溝通、決策與協商上,所以團隊溝通愈頻繁,亦或是領導人對成員關懷程度愈高,則有助於團隊績效的卓越表現。 本研究彙總重要研究結果,並針對研究發現提出研究限制、相關管理實務建議、及未來研究方向,以期提供企業界對於未來規劃專案團隊的一個輔助,並提供研究者進行後續研究時的參考。


In an organization, a team is an environment of cooperation. The intrateam processes of teams are key factors regarding that if the interaction processes go smoothly, if the tasks are finished in time, if the team has good performance, and so on. Different types of tasks form the “circumplex”. Along one dimension of the circumplex, tasks differ in the extent to which they are either behavioral or conceptual could affect the relationship between interaction processes and team performance. In McGrath’s input-process-output perspective, the study would like to verify the effect that demographic diversity and interaction process, including cooperative competency and leadership, will cause in intrateam processes. According to 205 effect cases from 80 teams belonging to cross-strait high-tech companies, the result shows below: 1. Demographic diversity doesn’t cause an effective prediction to team performance. However, it has an effective prediction to team performance through mediating “consideration”. 2. The intrateam processes would significantly influence team performance. Cooperative competency and leadership have greatly effective prediction to team performance. 3. During the intrateam processes, communication, coordination, initiation structure, and consideration have positive correlation with each other. It means if team leaders pay much attention to interaction processes, teams will achieve higher performance. 4. About the moderate effect of circumplex, different types of tasks would significantly influence the relationship between team processes and performance. In the highest conceptual teams, such as R&D teams which will perform much better, if they have much more communication or they are given higher consideration. According to these results, the study provides some practical suggestions and further research directions for companies and researchers.


