  • 學位論文


The Study of the Problems about Sun-Moon Lake Tourism Development The Study of the Problems about Sun-Moon Lake Tourism Development

指導教授 : 鄭瑞昌 陳元陽


台灣豐富多元的自然遊憩景點中,日月潭是最為著名的觀光勝地,由於該地區具諸多的山地地形與水系縱橫,使得日月潭風景區一直以特殊的高山湖泊景觀著稱,早年甚至以「雙潭秋月」名列台灣八景之一,享有國際盛名;並且隨著開放大陸人士來台觀光政策的實施,該地區的觀光需求量比以往提高許多。但隨之而來的卻是一連串觀光發展上的問題,如遊艇安全、服務品質及所謂「鏢客」等問題,對日月潭地區的觀光產業發展造成極大威脅。 因此,本研究之目的在:1.由觀光供給之角度調查當地各類遊憩資源對於日月潭觀光發展的重要性;2.探討日月潭地區觀光發展過程中所產生的各項問題,分析日月潭地區內各觀光產業發展現況以及彼此之間的相關性,歸納出日月潭地區在觀光發展上亟需改善與加強之處。 為達成此研究目的,本研究將︰1.利用參與觀察法進行調查,首先獲得日月潭地區的資源分布概況資訊,再以文獻回顧法分析該地區自開發以來的相關歷史文獻資料。2.蒐集歷史資料中所發生之新聞事件,了解日月潭觀光產業在時間序列上之長期發展,分析目前日月潭地區所發生的觀光發展問題。3.採用德爾菲問卷調查的方式,整合業界、政府部門以及學術界專家學者之看法,進行資料分析。 本研究兩項具體結果︰1.日月潭地區吸引觀光客旅遊之因素在於高山湖泊景觀與特殊的邵族文化。2.大量遊客湧進的結果,亦造成觀光發展上的問題,如旅館房間數量的不足、「鏢客」欺瞞行為以及遊艇業的經營問題;為改善現況,推展日月潭地區觀光產業,針對日月潭風景區提出策略性建議,擬定以下幾點可行的解決方案︰ 1.建議日月潭地區應加強當地基礎建設與針對觀光產業從業人員之訓練,以提供良好的觀光服務系統,增進服務品質,讓遊客留下良好印象。2.加強遊憩資源的開發及連結,使日月潭發展為長期滯留之旅遊模式。3.應增進各產業的整合與業者之間的合作關係,讓當地業者共同為促銷日月潭觀光而努力,提升永續經營的能力。


日月潭 觀光發展


Sun Moon Lake is the most well-known scenic area in Taiwan where is abundant with natural recreational tourism sites. Because the region has mountainous geography and the river system. The SML(Sun Moon Lake ) is Taiwan's the largest freshwater lake and one of the eight natural wonders of Taiwan. The tourism demand of the region was raised a lot than before. It brings a series of problems about tourism development, and threatens the tourism industry of the SML region. Therefore, the purposes of the study are to understand the importance of recreation resources on SML tourism development and to discuss the problems brought up by recent rapid development. The study also examines the present situation surrounded by the region and thus proposes better suggestions to enhance the development of the SML area. On purpose to improve and strengthen in SML region. In order to reach this study purpose, this study will:1.Make use of an observational method and documental review method, acquire the information of resources in the SML first.2. Make use of an Delphi method analyses the policy about tourism development taken place in SML region . There are two finding in this study: 1.The factors of attraction in the SML region for tourist's tour lie in mountain-lake and Thao culture.2. A great deal of visitors flow results in the serious problems of the tourism development and thus lead the shortage of the hotel room quantity、the problem of 「Bilker」and the management problem of the yacht industry. In order to improve current conditions, the study promotes some results: 1. The advice for the SML region is to strengthen local elemental construction. With promoting the tourism service system and quality. 2. To enrich the development and connection of tourism resources. 3. Furthermore, to enforce the corporation with the operators and dealers in each related industry.


Sun-Moon Lake Tourism Development




