  • 學位論文

農民團體經營國產品牌水果行銷績效表現之實證研究 之實證研究

An Empirical Study of The Market Performance of Brand Fruits Managed by Taiwanese Farmer Associations

指導教授 : 周素娥


本研究的目的在探討農民團體經營品牌水果之經營績效。針對農民團體國產品牌水果?銷決策分析,探?農民團體經營國產品牌過程中,影響績效表現之因素。本研究深入訪談農民團體,並進一步以問卷調查方式(回收?達100%)蒐集資料,兼採質化與?化方式進?,並以SPSS 統計應用軟體之次?分配表、交叉分析表、變??分析、Pearson 相關性檢定、事後檢定等方法進??化統計分析。以辦?國產品牌水果通過認證之農民團體為對象,就實際操作方式及現況評估分析後,綜合整?提出結?。 本研究發現四點結?: 1. 通過認證農民團體中,目前對於經營國產品牌水果之?銷決策方式,績效評估表現均感到滿意。在操作方法上除包裝設計、面對市場價格變動之策略有顯著差異,其餘大部份並無顯著差?-應可作為一般未獲認證許可之農民團體?考之依據。 2. ?同水果品項的?銷決策經驗證發現,芒果為產?與產值均高的水果,其操作方式與其他水果間並無顯著差?,唯獨於「共同計價」方面則有顯著差?。根據訪談資?得知,芒果是目前唯一辦?產銷??制且有共同品牌之水果。對芒果之?銷決策作深入探討,或許可作為?實共同品牌的?考依據。 3.農民團體中青果社於「包裝設計」、「面對市場價格變動」之行銷決策與其他農民團體有顯著差異。再者行銷決策中「包裝設計」、「面對市場價格變動」與績效評估又有顯著相關,而青果社又為政府評估績優單位,因此青果社之經營方式可以作為其他農民團體經營管理之參考。 4. 政府的績效評估與農民團體的自評績效驗證結果僅「?供應?」有顯著差?。政府的績效評估指標為?供應?與價差效益,而農民團體認為最大的經營困難為供應??穩定,所以政府與農民團體之評分標準有異。因此在對績效評估之指標是否有改進空間,值得討?。 希望藉由本研究發現,提供尚未通過認證之農民團體作為日後邁向成為通過認證國產品牌水果及政府未?推?國產品牌水果的?考。


This study is to discuss the management efficiency of brand fruits run by Taiwanese farmer associations and to examine the factors of influence. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. Data collection included questionnaires (the response rate was 100%), and in-depth interviews with selected farmer associations. Statistical analysis was conducted by means of SPSS (statistical package for the social science) program. Descriptive statistics, cross-factor analysis, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and post hoc comparison were the main instruments for analyzing quantitative data. After analyzing the actual operation and the present conditions of those farmer associations certified by the government, four conclusions are drawn from the data. First, those certified farmer associations are satisfied with the efficiency of their marketing strategies. Even though there is a small difference in terms of operation, there are no major differences in most aspects and this conclusion can be offered as a reference for other farmer associations which are not officially certified yet. Second, among a variety of fruit items and their marketing strategies, there are no major differences in terms of operations. However, only mango with high production and high value differentiates its common pricing strategy from others. According to the interview data, mango is the only fruit with a united brand and records its marketing history. Further exploring mango’s marketing strategy may provide a basis for promoting other fruits with united brands. Third, package design among different farmer associations is the only variable which influences the operation method and the efficiency assessment. The possibility of unifying package design run by the government should be further explored. Last, there is a major difference of efficiency assessment between the government and the farmer associations – annual supply. While the government considers supply and price spread are the important factors in terms of efficiency assessment, the farmer associations view unstable supply as the major issue here. Hence, the assessment standard is inconsistent between the government and the farmer associations, and this problem needs to be solved and further discussed. It is hoped that the result of this study can serve as a reference for those uncertified farmer associations as well as for future promoting our national brand fruits.


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