  • 學位論文


The Study of the Style and Visual Interpretation in Chen Uen's Comics ─ Magical Super Asia as an Example

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


國內漫畫領域相關研究中,多數以日本動、漫畫產業知名人物為主,鮮少針對本地知名漫畫創作者風格依學理性質分類歸納。本研究重點以:1、台灣漫畫家鄭問創作風格在中日漫畫產業環境之定位與評價,提出產製與行銷相關環節之建議;2、針對鄭問代表作品《深邃美麗的亞細亞》為主要研究文本,探討鄭問創作策略思維,於形塑角色背後符號意義運作與故事文本敘事分析,歸納並建構鄭問漫畫創作風格於文化符碼之策略層、意義層、技術層三種層次思維運用之方法。 研究發現鄭問在《深邃美麗的亞細亞》故事創作應用手法特色如下。1、故事結構部份:(1)《深邃美麗的亞細亞》為放射狀故事結構;(2)故事利用移情及象徵作用,說服讀者投入故事之中。2、角色部份:(1)擅長以象徵物暗喻角色性格特徵;(2)藉故事角色臉部特徵設定,可窺見角色精神層面及靈魂狀態;(3)角色對於衝突之反應機制,是以分化出不同特質之自我人格,用以對應不同外在挑戰; (4)故事角色之對立,等同自我之心靈境況映射;(5)故事精怪角色選用亞洲熟悉之文化符碼為基礎;(6)配角之性格能力等同現實人性慾望縮影(Simulacrum);(7)男性角色情感因素較為淡薄,多具有特殊精神能力;(8)女性角色無法擁有完整自我人格。3、擅長利用超現實場景表現角色內在自我,其角色場景特色為:(1)重疊的意象(The image of overlapping);(2)解剖的分離與重組(The separation and combination of anatomy);(3) 集錦式複合意象空間(The image of complex space);(4)超比例的放大與縮小(super ratio in enlargement and contration);(5)物理性的對立(The physical opposition);(6)相異物的融合與統一(The unification of different objects)等六種手法。


There are many research papers on comic book and comic strip.And most of them are focus on the artists who are well known at the fireld of animation and comic strip industries in Japan. Only a minority of the studies aimed for Taiwanese artists with their style and visual interpretation in an academic approach. The focal points of this study are, first the evaluation of Chen Uen’s style of comic book in Taiwan and Japan. Corresponding suggestions on production and marketing issues are also included. Second, examination of Chen Uen's strategies creation, with as Magical Super Asia the case study book. The symbolic meanings of characters and the narrative of text were investigated to analyze the perspectives of Chen's strategies. That was promoted within cultural codes, symbolic meaning and drawing techniques method. The features and techniques Chen Uen used in creating Magical Super Asia are concluded below, in terms of its plot structure, characters and surreal scenes. Features in its plot structure:(1) a "radiating" plot structure; (2) using empathy and symbolism to draw the audience into the fictional world. Features in character settings: (1) using symbolic objects as metaphors of the characters' characteristics;(2) a reflection of the characters' spiritual status on their appearance;(3) the drawing techniques that trigger various reactions for various characters towards a same situation; there techniques carve various personalities for the characters;(4) conflicting relationships among the characters, whose spiritual statuses are reflecting with each other; (5) fairies in the plot are made of elements of Asian cultural symbols;(6) a spectrum of human natures is projected onto the characters;(7) emotional indifference and supernatural powers in most male characters;(8) personality defects in female characters. Features of the scene settings:(1) overlapping imagery;(2) the separation and combination of anatomy;(3) complex imagery in one single space;(4) extreme enlargement and contraction of the characters; (5) physical opposition;(6) the fusion of characters with other material, such as metal or woods.


Chen Uen Surrealism marketing Japan Magical Super Asia Comics Symbolism


Alberto Manguel著,薛絢譯,2002,《意象地圖:閱讀影像中的愛與憎》,台灣商務印書館。
David Fontana,何盼盼譯,2003,《象徵的名詞》,米娜貝爾出版公司。


林峻平(2010)。2D與3D媒材建構角色與空間之創作研究 ─以「險園」動畫中約束與貪婪之寓言為例〔碩士論文,崑山科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6828/KSU.2010.00039
