  • 學位論文


The research of natural materials in packaging application on green design perspective

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


本研究以採用自然材料之包裝設計為對象,提出自然材料與綠色包裝之設計方式與發展建議,期望給予設計者於包裝設計執行中實質幫助,並使綠色包裝使用更為重視與廣泛。 研究目的如下:(1)探討自然材料包裝的種類與應用,分析包裝設計手法。(2)探討綠色包裝與自然材料的使用關係,並歸納符合綠色設計的自然材料包裝。(3)提出關於自然材料之綠色包裝設計建議,期望提供包裝設計人員在作業上之參考。研究過程分三階段進行:第一階段相關文獻蒐集彙整,樣本拍照整理建檔,再進行專業包裝設計師深度訪談工作,了解業界設計師對於自然材料使用與綠色包裝看法及實際執行現況。第二階段樣本歸納與分析樣式、造型、色彩運用,並將訪談結果重點整理。第三階段總合上述資料並分析歸納結果。 研究結果摘述如下:使用自然材料之包裝可依商品屬性分為(1)表達有機與天然需求之商品。(2)在地文化連結需求之商品。(3)高級感贈禮需求之商品。而在包裝設計應注意以下過程才能使得自然材料包裝符合綠色設計規範:從包裝結構方面 (1)增加包裝強度與保護性,運用設計巧思減少包裝體的黏貼程度與體積,將包裝化繁為簡。(2)包裝材料選擇可回收、單一材質,考慮使用後廢棄的處理問題,減少工程度增加回收的方便與落實度。(3)給予包裝二次利用的價值,增加包裝的功能用途延長使用壽命。從視覺設計方面(1)減少印刷面積並使用環保油墨。(2)免去標籤貼合採用吊牌設計或環保黏膠。同時,採用環保或自然材料在設計時可以賦予包裝更深層意義,如近年來盛行之文創商品與有機產品,於包裝設計中加入自然材料應用便可表現其天然感與在地文化之情感。


This research aims at understanding packaging design by using natural materials. This research also targets at providing suggestions for natural materials and green packaging design approaches. I hope this research could benefit designers on their process of design, and make green packaging application become more critical and prevalent. Objectives of this research are as follows: The first objective is to study the applications and types of natural material packaging and analyze packaging design methods. The second objective is to understand the relation of green packaging and natural materials. Also, to conclude the natural materials packaging which achieve the standards of green design. The third objective is to providing suggestions for natural materials’ green packaging design and hoping this would serve as a prototype for packaging designers’ design process. This research proceeds with three different stages. The first stage is to collect related information, then picture and build database for the information. Moreover, interviewing with professional packaging designers could understand the designers’ perspectives about natural material usage and green packaging. By doing so, we could know the actual conditions of applying natural materials on packaging design. The second stage is to categorize and analyze patterns, styles and color implementations. Also, we organize the key points of interview results. The third stage is to integrate all the information we gained, and turn them into representative results. The conclusions of this research are as follows: There are several products that utilize natural materials as packaging: (1) Products that target at organic and natural needs from costumers. (2) Products that target at connecting with local culture. (3) Products that serves as luxury goods. We should be cautious about the following points when design packaging so that the natural material packaging meets green design standards. As for packaging structure: (1) Increase the strength and protection of packaging; use creative ideas to decrease the volume and attachment level of packaging. Turn complexity into simplicity. (2) Choose recyclable and single-texture materials as packaging elements. Also, we have to put whether the materials are decomposable or not as one of our considerations. Decrease the complication of packaging for easier recycling process in the future. (3) Add potential reuse possibilities to packaging materials. By doing so, we expand the using time of the substances. As for packaging design: (1) Reduce printing surfaces and use eco-friendly print. (2) Eliminate labels; use tags or eco-friendly tapes instead. At the same time, apply eco-friendly or natural materials on design providing deeper meaning to packaging. For example, cultural and creative industry merchants and organic products are popular recently because they both add natural materials to packaging design for presenting nature feelings and connections with local culture.




