  • 學位論文

Rich Internet Application 介面模組化設計:以e管家系統為例

Study on Modular Interface Design for RIA: Case Study on E-Tools System

指導教授 : 黃國峰




System development is a time-consuming work. In general, the programmer and art designer are hard to communicate because they have their own viewpoint. The programmer is major in deal with the functions of system. The art designer works for the interface of system. For user’s preference, the system may provide many different interfaces. In order to combine the different user interfaces, the programmer must do extra effort. In this case, the progress of system development will delay in usual. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a modular technique to make the interface design easier. The advanced e-Tool is used as example in this study. This technique for combing interface can offer RIA developers as a reference to enhance the efficiency for system development.


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