  • 學位論文


The Design Project of The 90th Anniversary Festival for National Taichung Institute of Technology (NTIT)

指導教授 : 蕭嘉猷


遠見雜誌連續2007-2009年的大規模調查中顯示,大學教育已進入「買方市場」,也就是「消費市場」時代,消費方不只接受單一訊息影響,還掌握更多自主性與選擇權。因此,學校要在這場激烈的競爭中脫穎而出,贏得學生及家長們青睞,必須積極制定戰略建立特色,展現自我價值。 國立臺中技術學院於民國8年創校,2009年邁入90年,學校也擬定方針,積極與國際接軌,並與產學更緊密合作,悠久的歷史文化與眾多校友都是重要的資產。希望藉由此次90週年校慶活動之舉辦,傳遞《回顧、傳承、展望》三項主軸,再一次凝聚師生、校友等力量,展現老學校新氣象。 此次中技九十週年校慶設計專案,不僅嘗試將「活動行銷」概念運用於學校這般的非營利組織上,藉由關係對象之參與而塑造形象獲取好感。也為了讓形象產生更好的價值,而透過「消費價值符號分析」、「體驗價值分析」、「傳承與儀式」、「認知與溝通」等面向建構設計策略,在事實與理想條件衡量、理論與實務並重下,尋找被吸引、被期待或能轉換原有認知的內容意義,探討中技學校形象發展之設計方向。設計專案執行從活動主題、口號、活動識別設計及各項應用,將設計策略逐項具體化,達到一致性之整體形象,最後將設計過程與結果彙整,提供學界、設計師或有興趣者參考。


A continuous large-scaled survey conducted by the Global View Monthly magazine during year 2007 to year 2009 showed that college education has entered the “Buyer’s market”, i.e. the “consumption market”, wherein consumers not only accept a single source of consumption information, they also control more decision-making power and selection power. Therefore, if a school wants to stand out of such sever competition and win favors from students and their families, the school should aggressively make strategies to establish unique characters and show its own value. Established in 1919, the National Taichung Institute of Technology (NTIT) walks toward its ninetieth year in 2009. Besides all kinds of continuous transitions inside the campus, the long-standing historic culture and numerous schoolfellows are also considered one of the school’s important assets. By holding this 90th anniversary celebration activity, it is expected to pass on the three emphases, “Flashing back, Passing down, Looking ahead”, and once more to agglomerate all the teachers and students, so as to present a new scene for this old school. The design project of this 90th anniversary celebration for National Taichung Institute of Technology not only tried to apply the concept of “event marketing” on non-profit organization such as schools, but also hoped to obtain good impressions by inviting related subjects to participate in the activity and help build good image for the school. Besides, for creating better value for school’s image, following the directions on “symbol analysis on consumption value”, “experiences value analysis”, “passing down and ceremony”, and “perception and communication”, the design strategy took both actual and ideal value, theory and actuality into consideration to look for contents and meaning of the attracted, expected, and convertible original perceptions, so as to investigate the image development designing direction for National Taichung Institute of Technology. From the activity theme, slogan, behavior identity design to all other applications, the design strategy was to specify the activity, so that the overall image can be identical. Finally, the design procedure and the activity results were organized to provide the academic circle, designers, or people who are interested in this area as references.


47.Silverman, Hugh(ed.), 1998, Cultural Semiosis: Tracing the Signifier,Routledge, UK.
1.Andrew Haslam, 2006, Book design, Laurence King, UK.
6.Cene Bammel & Lei Lane Burrus-Bammel著,涂淑芳譯,1996,休閒與人類行為,桂冠,台北。
11.David E. Carter, 2003, the little book of Layouts, HDI, NY.


黃姿菁(2010)。祖靈的居所—臺灣排灣族古陶壺特展 整體視覺設計專案報告書〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-2501201013261900
