  • 學位論文

以Web 2.0為基礎發展網路電視系統使用者介面

Development and Evaluation of a User Interface for Web 2.0 Based Web TV

指導教授 : 王淑玲
共同指導教授 : 游耿能(Geen-Neng You)


Web 2.0的誕生,宣告了一個低成本、高互動、傳播迅速的網路時代已來臨,網路在人們的生活中扮演越來越重要的角色,改變了傳統大眾媒體與閱聽人間缺乏互動的情況,將閱聽人從「接收」訊息的角色轉變為「參與」的角色,使得資訊分享更加容易、有效率。近幾年來,Web 2.0的興起為網路應用服務開創了新的趨勢,線上影音及網路電視也隨著Web 2.0發展而變化。   因此,本研究以Web 2.0為基礎,設計一網路電視系統與使用者介面,希望藉由發展Web 2.0網路電視平台來結合實體數位電視之構想,來提升實體數位電視之附加價值,並且達到創新應用模式的效果。透過本網路服務系統使能激勵更多平民創作者,按照主題分類標籤來分享特定主題的影音內容。本研究首先透過案例分析與使用者需求訪談結果,來規劃網路電視系統功能,並且融入使用者介面設計原則於使用者介面設計方面,希望所發展的使用者介面能夠更符合使用者的心智模式,接著藉由問卷調查與改進建議來修正平台介面與功能。   最後,本研究以延伸式科技接受模式為基礎,融入創新擴散理論中的相對優勢及相容性等構面,來評估使用者對於本研究所發展之網路電視介面及平台功能之接受度。實驗結果顯示,本研究平台之使用者介面構面,正面影響及可預測使用者對本平台的知覺娛樂性與知覺有用性;Web 2.0功能構面正面影響及預測使用者對本平台的知覺易用性、知覺互動性與創新性,知覺易用性可正面影響及預測使用者對本平台的知覺有用性;知覺有用性、知覺互動性構面可正面影響及預測使用者對本平台的滿意度;創新性、滿意度構面可正面影響及預測使用者對本平台的使用意願。整體而言,使用者對本研究平台的使用者介面與Web 2.0功能均有正面反應,並有顯著影響受試者的使用意願。


The emergence of Web 2.0 has brought about a low cost, high interaction, the rapid spread of the Internet era has been the advent of the Internet in people's lives, play an increasingly important role in order to change the traditional mass media audience the world with a lack of interaction situation, the audience from the role of "receiving" message into "participants" role, making information sharing more easily increase the effective rate. In recent years, Web 2.0 for the rise of the Internet application services to create a new trend in online video and Web TV with the changes in the development of Web 2.0.   Therefore, this study is based on Web 2.0 to design a Web TV system and the user interface, we implement a Web 2.0 based Web TV platform to combine the digital television, the idea to enhance the added value of TV and model to achieve the effect of innovative applications. The web services platform that can inspire more creators, in accordance with the theme of Classification and Tagging of specific topics to share video content. In this study, according to the results of case studies and users’ interviews with the users needs, to plan the Web TV system and user interface design principles to integrate into the user interface design in the hope that the development of user interface can be more compatible with the mental model of user. According to a questionnaire survey with recommendations to amend the platform to improve the interface and functionality.   Finally, we apply Extend TAM model and the DOI theory of relative advantage and compatibility for evaluating the usability of the user interface of the web service platform and Web TV system. As the result, the user interface of the platform is positively affected and forecasted user’s perceived playfulness and perceived usefulness of use to use the system. The Web 2.0 features of the platform is positively affected and forecasted user’s perceived ease of use, interaction and innovation of use to use the system. The perceived ease of use of the platform is positively affected and forecasted user’s perceived usefulness of use to use the system. The perceived usefulness and interaction of the platform is positively affected and forecasted user’s subjective satisfaction of use to use the system. The innovation and subjective satisfaction of the platform is positively affected and forecasted user’s intentions of use to use the system.Users have positive responses on the user interface and the Web 2.0 features of this platform.


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賴奕呈(2010)。以Web 2.0為基礎發展生態內容數位典藏平台〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-1808201014581100
