  • 學位論文


Evaluating college students’ learning motivations, effectiveness, and maladaptive learning in computer programming courses: Comparing Java to Python

指導教授 : 連俊瑋
共同指導教授 : 蕭國倫


隨著網際網路的普及以及資訊科技的快速發展,各行各業皆須要透過資訊技術輔助並提升其競爭力,相關的人才需求也因此而持續增加。而現今學校中學生入門的第一門程式語言課大都以教授C、C++、JAVA、C#或Visual Basic為主,這幾門語言對初學者來說都有著不同的問題,這可能導致初學者在學習過程中遇到挫折。因此,本研究整理不同程式語言的差異與學習過程可能產生之問題後,選擇以Python程式語言以及Java程式語言作為本研究之教學用程式語言,期望透過實驗設計的方式驗證課程設計及內容對於學生學習的有效性,並探討學生學習不同程式語言的過程中,自身邏輯思考能力、學習動機、程式設計自我效能,以及可能產生的不適應性認知情形,和學習成就之間的相關性與影響性。本研究結果發現:(一)學習動機與程式設計自我效能具有顯著正相關性、(二)不適應性認知與程式設計自我效能具有顯著負相關性、(三)學習者如果有較高的邏輯思考能力,其學習動機、不適應性認知、程式設計自我效能,以及程式設計之學習成就會有較好的表現、(四)學習Java程式語言,學習動機、不適應性認知、程式設計自我效能和程式設計之學習成就呈現顯著相關性;學習Python程式語言,學習動機、不適應性認知、程式設計自我效能和程式設計之學習成就則無顯著相關性。


In Taiwan, most of university students study C, C++, Java, C# or Visual Basic for their first computer programming lesson. However, those programming languages have different learning barriers for the beginner. Students may have frustration when they study. In this study, we choose Python and Java as our teaching languages for the experimental design. The purpose of this study is to explore influences of logical thinking, learning motivation, maladaptive cognition, and self-efficacy on the learning achievement when students learn different programming languages. The results of this study are: First, there is a significant positive correlation between learning motivation and self-efficacy. Second, there is a significant negative correlation between maladaptive cognition and self-efficacy. Third, if learners have a higher level of logical thinking ability, their learning motivation, maladaptive cognitions, self-efficacy, and learning achievements will enhance better performance. Finally, learners' learning motivation, maladaptive cognitions, self-efficacy, and programming learning have significant correlations.


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