  • 學位論文


A Study on the Aesthetic Perception of Graffiti Presented in a Virtual Public Spheres

指導教授 : 王兆華


塗鴉發展到二十世紀末期,逐漸由隨性彩繪演變為一種極具個人風格的創作形式。塗鴉客勇於利用城市空間的適當角落,展現對特定議題的主觀概念與傳達訊息,以期與社會互動。然而,在重視私有產業維護的現今社會,塗鴉作品經常被視為侵犯私人資產,或以違法的形式存在於公共生活場域,以致於大眾對於塗鴉仍普遍持保留態度。 隨著網路科技與多媒體技術的發展,在無遠弗屆的虛擬空間,以不侵犯私人資產或公共場域的方式,展演塗鴉創作,除了能以更豐富與多元的形式表現外,其影響力更能跳脫真實城市場域的限制,馳騁於無邊際的虛擬世界,與地球村的居民進行溝通與互動。 以網路虛擬實境為基礎的3D視覺互動展演技術,恰可為塗鴉客提供適切於分享作品的網路空間。因此,本文起於探究塗鴉發展歷史,並分析塗鴉作品風格與歸納出七種常見類型。再整合視覺傳達與虛擬展演的相關理論,運用虛擬實境引擎與3D互動技術,建置模擬公共生活場域的多使用者虛擬環境,發展一個提供塗鴉客發表創作,以及多人同步於虛擬城市瀏覽作品的網路平台。具體成果將能以最環保的方式,促進在公共場域展演塗鴉美感的目標。


To the late of 20th century, graffiti evolved from casual painting into an art form with highly personal style. Graffiti artists encouraged themselves to choice the relevant corner of the city space to show the subjective concept and convey messages for a specific issue in keeping with social interaction. However, people pay attention to the protection of private property today, and graffiti works have often been regarded as infringing on them, even they are presented in the illegal situation in public life field. To the extent that the general populace still has eliminations about the graffiti. According to the development of Internet and multimedia technology, graffiti artists can present their works by the way of non-infringement of private property or public sphere in a cyber space. In addition to communicate with people by a more rich and diverse forms of manifestation, their influences can break away from the restriction of real public field and gallop in a virtual world. Graffiti artists can share works in cyberspace by using the interactive 3D visual communication technology which is presented with web-based virtual reality. Therefore, this article began on exploring the history of graffiti and analyzed the style of graffiti works and summed up in seven types. And then the theories of visual communication and virtual presentation were integrated and a virtual reality engine with 3D interactive technology was applied to build up a multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) for the simulation of a virtual public field. The platform was developed to present the artworks and proposed the browsing function in synchronization. The concrete results will be the most environmentally friendly way to promote the goal of presenting graffiti aesthetic in public sphere.


Sherman,W.,&Craig, A.(2002).Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design: Baker & Taylor Books.
