  • 學位論文


Building on-line minutes of Meeting System with Real-time Technology

指導教授 : 陳同孝
共同指導教授 : 柯志坤(Chih-Kun Ke)


會議記錄主要目的即用於記錄開會事項,並追蹤後續成效,然而傳統派遣專門人員,並以紙本或文書編輯軟體(如Word、Excel等)存成電子檔案等記錄方式,常無法發揮即時性,且難以追蹤後續成效,致使會議「研究事理,達成決議,解決問題,以收群策群力之效者」之目的無法有效達成,本文所提出的「即時訊息整合技術建置線上會議系統」(下稱本系統)即是活用新技術,針對上述記錄缺點加以改善。 本系統有別於突破時間與空間限制,但無法妥善記錄文字資料,以視訊或音訊服務為主的雲端服務軟體,使用符合雲端特性的B/S(Browser/Sever)架構建置系統,利用Web即時push技術達到即時效果,其中選用HTML5的WebSocket技術實現了客戶端與伺服器端間雙向不中斷的TCP長連接通道,達到線上多人協作的功能,藉此讓記錄更為迅速、詳盡且確實。 透過比較目前主流的會議記錄文字形式(紙本、檔案格式記錄、軟體功能與線上協同文件) ,搭配TAM(科技接受模式)評估使用者對本系統的使用體驗,確認本系統能即時且快速有效的完成會議記錄,且提昇與會人員的參與度,配追蹤機制,還能持續追蹤會議結束後,議決執行項目後續的完成度。 今後以本系統為中心持續研究,若進一步開發可攜式載具運用、語音轉文字等功能,並結合AI技術,將能統合大數據並運用於會議討論,有效執行決策並為公司進行更加精準的戰略評估。


B/S 會議記錄 WebSocket 多人協作


The minutes of Meeting in traditional is always using paperwork, software tools (Word or Excel and other software), but those tools are not instant that we can’t trace the project of effect. In the thesis, we offer “on-line minutes of Meeting System with Real-time Technology” (即時訊息整合技術建置線上會議系統) by the new technology that we can keep minutes efficiency. The “Instant Messaging on-line minutes of meeting system” which uses of cloud-compliant B / S (Browser / Sever) architecture to build the system, the use of Web instant push technology to achieve real-time effects, which use HTML5 WebSocket technology to achieve the client and server Two-way, non-disruptive TCP long connection channel, to achieve the function of online multi-person collaboration, to improve the way a person is responsible for the minutes of the meeting and record more detailed and indeed. According to the research of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) and compare with traditional minute’s tools that we confirm the “on-line minutes of Meeting System with Real-time Technology” is useful. We could not only keep minutes much more efficiency and organization but also to track the status of project completed. In the future, we could stretch more subjects about the “on-line minutes of Meeting System with Real-time Technology”, such as Mobile device version, speech recognition, Artificial Intelligence etc.


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