  • 學位論文


The Study of Interface Design of Online Shopping on Purchase Intention–Applying Structural Equation Modeling

指導教授 : 顏憶茹


摘 要 近年來隨著資訊科技發展,家庭和企業的網際網路使用率也逐年攀高普及成熟化,帶動消費通路市場變化,消費者購物習慣進而從實體店面轉向虛擬商店購物,並且不斷創造網路購物的魅力和奇蹟。因此,網路購物電子商務市場逐漸被企業和商家重視,並且紛紛投入大量資源為消費者創造更多元化的平台,網站業者更是許多創業者實現夢想的搖籃。在消費者愈來愈重視網路購物下,對網路購物之要求也日趨要求。購物網站業者必須要做出提供一個令人難忘、讚嘆的體驗,才能使消費者覺得更有價值。 本研究使用結構方程模式探討各研究變項影響關係之情形,主要目的是探討網站介面設計之生活型態、購物體驗、購買意願及忠誠度之影響關係,共發放420份問卷,回收有效問卷為397份。其研究結果為: 「網站介面設計對消費者購物體驗」呈顯著正面影響。 「網站介面設計同樣對消費者購買意願」呈顯著正面影響。 「消費者網站購物體驗對於購買意願」呈顯著正面影響。 「消費者購買意願對於購物網站忠誠度」呈顯著正面影響。 本研究使用生活型態作為干擾變數,研究結果為生活型態干擾「網站介面設計對購物體驗及購買意願」具顯著影響。


購買意願 生活型態 忠誠度


With the development of information technology for the past few years, the utilization of internet has been rising and getting mature in the households and enterprises. This fact has affected consumer’s shopping channel selection. Consumers have transferred their consumption habits to the virtual store shopping, which has brought fascinations and miracles constantly in the online shopping. Therefore, enterprises and store owners have gradually paid more attention to the electronic commerce, and increasingly invested a great deal of resources to create diverse E-platform. Many potential entrepreneurs are trying to realize their dreams through E-commerce. However, while consumers have used online shopping more frequently, they have more and more requests in the online shopping. E-commerce operators have to provide unforgettable and amazing experiences for consumers in order to increase their value. This study used structural equation modeling to investigate the interconnections among interface design, purchase intention, shopping experiences, life style and loyalty. This study sent out 420 copies of questionnaire, and 397effective copies were collected. The findings are summarized as follow: Interface design positively affects purchase intention. Shopping experiences positively affects purchase intention. Purchase intention positively affects loyalty. Life style has moderating effect on interface design’s influence on purchase intention and shopping experiences.


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