  • 學位論文


Design and Evaluation of Digital Game-Based Learning Approach to Pass Professional Exams

指導教授 : 張謀得 陳牧言


近年來由於遊戲式學習被認為能夠引起學習者的學習興趣與學習動機,可以成為一種有效的學習方式而受到越來越多的重視。數位遊戲式學習是以遊戲的特質,在設上需考慮介面的操作、互動性、故事性與平衡度等四大設計要素;由於遊戲式學習如同使用一般的電腦遊戲一樣,在設計上就要讓使用者達到沈浸的效果,才能引起學習者使用及持續使用的興趣。 本研究使用「遊戲製作大師」當作開發工具,建構一個系統化教學設計的遊戲式學習系統,以提供學生輔助學習的環境。利用數位遊戲所包含的故事內容及豐富的聲光效果,引導學習者產生學習動機,將學習的方式從傳統教學、單純的知識給予,逐漸發展到數位教材的互動性、有效性和吸引性。而提昇學習者的學習興趣及動機、減少對於學習的排斥,達到有效的學習,為本研究探討的重點及主軸。 本研究的進行步驟是先由受測者進行電腦遊戲後進行問卷調查,再將回收問卷進行統計分析。主要目的探討在電腦概念課程上經由數位遊戲式學習的方式,學習者的學習動機是否有顯著效果,並且學習者在此課程中對教材的接受度及滿意度。


In recent years, the game-based learning is thought to cause the interest of learners and learning motivation, learning can be an effective way of being more and more and more attention. Digital game-based learning (DGBL) is the nature of the game, to be considered in setting the operation of the interface, interactive, story level and balance the four major design elements; as game-based learning as the use of computer games in general, as in the design of the allow users to immerse (flow) effects, can cause learners to use and continued use of interest. In this study, "RPG Maker" as a development tool, to design learning lecture of computer conception that contains a digital game materials of Instructional System Design (ISD) to provide students with supplementary learning environment. Use of digital game content and contains a wealth of sight and sound of the story, guiding learners create learning motivation, ways to learn from traditional teaching, pure knowledge given, gradually developed into interactive digital teaching materials, effectiveness, and attracting of . While increasing the learning interest and motivation, to reduce the exclusion for the study to achieve effective learning, the focus of this study and spindle. The main purpose of this study was to explore through digital game-based learning through the way that learner motivation and effectiveness of the association.Secondly, the researchers tried to analysis some data about learner of digital game-based learning from acceptance and satisfaction surveys.


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