  • 學位論文

角色經濟行銷策略模式研究 - 以熊本熊為例

Model of the Marketing Strategy in the Character Economy – A case study of kumamon

指導教授 : 蕭嘉猷


日本是角色經濟密度最高的國家,根據日本Character Databank統計數據顯示,2013年的日本國內角色經濟相關總產值達一兆五千七百億日圓,近十年的角色經濟總產值正負變化均在10%以內,無論是原創角色人物,或是由動漫畫所衍生出來的圖像授權、周邊商品販售皆十分盛行,可見日本的角色經濟產業已呈現穩定成熟階段,對於剛剛起步的台灣角色經濟產業頗值得借鏡。 換言之,角色經濟就是將角色作為品牌經營的經濟,符合該國文化或商業習慣的在地化是很重要的。在日本,熊本縣致力行銷的吉祥物-熊本熊,每年為熊本縣創造1,000多億日圓的角色經濟產值,是地方行銷的成功案例。目前國內外研究角色經濟行銷策略模式的相關論文或報告大多針對社會現象作為基點的論述,論述標的偏重在吉祥物的造型與應用上。但針對吉祥物角色行銷策略與角色經濟之間的相互關係研究卻尚未多見。 本研究認為吉祥物角色行銷策略對於角色經濟效益,是一項不可忽視的重要因素,因此在基礎的名詞釋義後,將研究重點放在角色行銷與角色經濟之析論主軸上,以文獻回顧法,針對2010年至2016年間的熊本熊相關角色行銷策略做整合論述有以下特點,1.以退為進的免費授權哲學2.角色有鮮明的個性3.專業的吉祥物操偶師4.靈活的特製人偶裝5.如同藝人般的細心經營6.積極與粉絲互動,熊本熊成功的策略有希望可以為台灣政府與民間正在推動的角色經濟產業,提供參考的方向與建言。


角色經濟 角色行銷 熊本熊


Japan is the country with the highest density of Character Economy. According to the Japanese Character Databank statistics, in 2013, Japan's Character Economy related output has reached one trillion five hundred seventy billion yen. The average yearly difference of the rise or fall of its Character Economy output is less than 10% in the last ten years. Even the copyright licensing of the original images or the derived images from the animation, and the sales of their related merchandise are all very popular. This shows that Japan's Character Economy industry has already stabilized and is mature, and is worthwhile for Taiwan's fledgling Character Economy industry to learn from. In other words, Character Economy is the economy in which Characters are operated as brand business, and it is very important that it suits the country's cultural and business practices. In Japan, Kumamoto Prefecture has been committed to marketing its mascot, Kumamon, which creates more than 1,000 billion yen Character Economy output per year. It is a successful case of local marketing. So far, most domestic and international research papers or reports on Character Economy marketing strategy are done on the basis of the social phenomena, and tend to analyzing the designs and the application of the mascots, not much research on the relation of marketing strategies of the mascot and Character Economy. This study is based on believing that the marketing strategies of the mascots are essential to Character Economy. Therefore, after the definition of the basic terminology, it will focus on the analysis of the Character marketing and Character Economy. By reviewing different references and documents, aiming at the study and integrated analysis of the related Character Marketing Strategies of Kumamon during the years of 2010 through 2016, the following key points are concluded: 1. Free licensing – a kind of policy that make concessions in order to gain advantages. 2. Characters with distinctive personalities. 3. Professional mascot Puppeteer. 4. Flexible and tailor-made doll costumes. 5. Careful business management for it as for an artist. 6. Active interactions with its fans. Hopefully this study of the successful marketing strategies of Kumamon can provide guiding reference and suggestions for those who are promoting the Character Economy Industry in Taiwan, both from the government and private enterprises.


