  • 學位論文

認知易用性、認知有用性、認知有趣性對「LINE旅遊」使用態度與行為意圖 之關聯性探討

A study of the relationships among perceived ease of use,usefulness,playfulness on attitude and behavior intention on 「LINE TRAVEL」

指導教授 : 李國瑋


隨著科技的進步及網際網路的發達,民眾正透過網路與行動裝置,邁向科技智慧新生活,消費習慣的重心從實體通路移轉至虛擬的電商通路,對於社群網站及電商平台的使用也日趨熱絡。本研究以LINE社群通訊軟體的使用者角度探討LINE旅遊之使用態度及行為意圖之影響,希望研究結果提供給電商平台業者參考。   本研究以Davis(1989)所提出的科技接受模式(TAM)作為理論基礎,增加認知有趣性構面,探討使用經驗、資訊品質、價值互動對LINE旅遊使用態度與行為意圖之關聯性進行驗證。在抽樣方面,本研究以國內行動通訊軟體LINE使用者為研究對象,透過便利抽樣法共回收電子問卷304份,有效問卷301份,有效的問卷回收率為:99%。   本研究透過敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析及迴歸分析對研究假設進行驗證。驗證結果顯示:使用經驗、資訊品質、價值互動、認知易用性、認知有用性、認知有趣性皆對LINE旅遊使用者的使用態度及行為意圖具有一定程度正向影響。


With the technological progress and the development of the Internet, the public is stepping into the new life of science & technology and intelligence through the Internet and mobile device. They are used to consuming mainly in virtual e-business platforms rather than physical stores, and increasingly using social networking sites and e-business platforms. This research is to explore the use attitude and behavioral intention of LINE travel from the perspective of the user of LINE social networking communication software, hoping that the research results can be provided for e-business platform operators as reference. Based on the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989), this research added the aspect of perceived playfulness, explored the correlation between the user experience, information quality, value interaction and the use attitude and behavior intention of LINE travel, and perform verification for it. As for sampling, this research takes the user of LINE, the mobile communication software in Taiwan, as the research subject. A total of 304 e-questionnaires were collected through convenience sampling, and 301 of them are valid, with a valid return rate of 99%. This research verified the research hypothesis with descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, and regression analysis. The verification results show that the user experience, information quality, value interaction, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived playfulness have a certain positive influence on the use attitude and behavior intention of the user of LINE travel.


