  • 學位論文


Study on Game Aided Teaching for Pelvic Tilt Exercise Correction

指導教授 : 黃國峰


近幾年來,人們的生活習慣逐漸改變,許多人因長期姿勢不良、動作錯誤可能會引發脊椎、骨盆歪斜、關節的退化問題。本研究以Kinect做為發展運動訓練平台,利用多媒體進行運動教學,並探討其對矯正運動學習動機與學習效果的影響,和分析多媒體運動訓練的教學方式,探討介面及任務,期許對於使用者提供運動具體可行的方向,進而維持健康體態。 脊椎為人中心軀幹最為重要的地方,也牽涉到最多神經、姿勢,核心肌群位在人體軀幹的中段,包含了腹部、背部、與骨盆部位的肌肉群,以保護和穩定脊柱為主。 故本研究主要目的為建立互動式骨盆歪斜運動矯正系統開發及情境設計:以身體最需要保養的核心肌群作為主要訓練動作,運用Kinect體感感測器設計一套互動式虛擬實境運動系統,針對選定的運動模式設計情境模擬,與使用者進行虛擬互動教學訓練,並進行使用者經驗評估實驗,研究發現透過遊戲化的方式能在訓練過程中提高使用者參與的動機。並藉由視覺和聽覺的刺激提升使用者在運動復健時的愉悅度,以此增加使用者持續使用運動矯正系統的動機。


In recent years, the increase of office workers has gradually changed many people's living style. Owing to long hours of sitting position and the possibility of erroneous posture, people might develop bone problems such as the spine injuries and disorders, pelvis askew, and degradation of joints. Spine is one of the most important part of human body. It connects most of our nerve system and the functions of core muscles, abdomen, back, and pelvis muscles. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to establish a set of interactive virtual reality motion system to rehabilitate the pelvis skew. The design scenario is to detect the movement of human body's core muscles and use Kinect sensors to design and build a system to support the main training action. In this study, the sport mode game is selected as scenarios simulation, and using interactive interface to let user experience assessment test. The study results found that this tool can improve user's participation through games oriented approach in the training process. The developed system also can enhance user's pleasure during the exercise rehabilitation by visual and auditory stimuli; therefore it can increase the motivation of users to continue to use the motion correction system.


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