  • 學位論文


The Action Research of clay teaching curriculim design in promoting the development of children in tactile

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


在過去鮮少提及感覺統合失調的問題,是由於上一輩的童年,通常能夠自然的遊戲中成長。而幼童學習發展中,觸覺是其最基本、影響力也最大的系統;在三歲開始,觸覺興趣從自己的身體轉移到手部,受到色彩繽紛的視覺挑逗,喜愛動手觸摸東西來認識周遭環境的人、事、物。當中黏土就是很好的媒材,除能隨自己的喜好塑形,獨特的可塑性觸感,更能刺激身體的感官發展。故本研究目的以兒童黏土課程為教學單元,設計適合學齡前四到六歲兒童創造力思考教學模式,並且透過教學行動後探討與分析,是否能夠促進兒童觸覺之發展。本研究使用行動研究法,分別進行了兩次的教學行動。在實施教學行動前,將感覺統合、兒童認知發展、兒童繪畫發展、創造力思考教學相關理論等作文獻的探討,最後統整出Piaget、Lowenfeld、Eisner等的認知與兒童繪畫發展理論,依此設計一套以創造力思考為根基的黏土教學模式,並且進行動教學。 針對第一階段的教學實施之情況,以及研究工具與資料蒐集等方式,依據創造力教學的原則進行反省與檢討,作為第二次教學行動課程實施的修正參考。於實施第二次教學活動前、後,分別進行「感覺統合功能量表」之測驗;於教學活動結束後,更以此測量結果作為觸覺等感覺發展探討之主要依據,輔以教師日誌、課程學習單、錄音與影、學生作品評估等為參考資料。經過此本研究的教學活動後,根據測驗的結果與分析:首先兩側感覺動作順序的結果,有80%的學童進步,有13%的學童退步,以及有7%的學童並無變更;於感覺調適中,得知進步者有67%,退步者有33%,以及結果不變的為0%;最後在感覺搜尋中,得知進步者有46%,退步者有47%,以及結果不變的為7%。依據以上的數據和其他研究工具佐證,研究者發現經四週的課程後,有50%以上的數據證實,本黏土教材能促進兒童觸覺之發展。


Sensory integration dysfunction problems were rarely mentioned in the past because people last generation often grew up playing. In the early childhood development, the tactual sensation is the most basic and influential system; at the age of three, the tactual interest moves from the body to hands, so that the children are excited by colorful vision and try to understand the surrounding people, things and environment by touching with hands. Among all materials, clay is easy to shape and may better stimulate the body's sensory development due to the unique plasticity touch. The purpose of the study is to design a creative thinking teaching model for preschool children aged four to six with children clay courses and to facilitate the development of children's tactual sensation through discussion and analysis after teaching activities. The study carried out two teaching activities for an action research. Before that, it discussed literature of theories of sensory integration, children cognition development, children painting development and creative thinking education and compiled cognition and children painting development theories suggested by Piaget, Lowenfeld and Eisner, according to which it designed a set of clay teaching model and performed teaching activities based on the creative thinking. The first teaching activity, research tools and data collecting methods were reviewed and inspected according to the principles of creativity-oriented teaching, for the amendment reference for the second teaching activity. Tests were done with a "scale of sensory integration capabilities" before and after implementing the second teaching activity; after the teaching activity is over, the measurement is used as the main basis for the discussion about tactile and other sensory development, supplemented by teachers' journals, lesson learning sheets, recordings, videos, students' works, etc. After the teaching activities of the study, the test result and analysis showed that: 80% of the students progressed in the result of sensory action sequence on both sides, while 13% regressed and 7% remained the same; 67% of the students progressed in the sensory adaptation result, while 33% regressed and 0% remained the same; and 46% of the students progressed in the sensory searching result, while 47% regressed and 7% remained the same. Based on the said data and the support of other research tools, the researchers discovered that more than 50% of the data confirmed that the clay material may facilitate the development of children’s' tactual sensation after four weeks of the course.


李國治(2008)。感覺統合失調兒童參與運動遊戲之效益研究。國立台 灣師範大學運動與休閒管理研究所碩士論文,臺北。
