  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among Institutional Ownership, Busy Independent Director and Corporate Social Responsibility

指導教授 : 蘇淑慧
共同指導教授 : 林裕章(Yu-Chang Lin)




This study explores the relationship among institutional ownership, busy independent director and corporate social responsibility (CSR). I measure CSR performance based on the eight dimensions disclosed in the CSR report. The empirical results show that institutional ownership is positively associated with CSR performance, implying that higher institutional ownership can effectively monitor firms’ CSR behavior and help improve firms’ CSR performance. There is no significant association between busy independent director and CSR performance, I further dichotomize CSR into operations-related and non-operations-related and investigate the relationship between busy independent director and these two kinds of CSR performance. The results show that busy independent director is positively associated with operations-related CSR performance, implying that the use of comprehensive scores of CSR performance will weaken the impact of busy independent director on firms’ CSR performance. In addition, I further divide institutional ownership into foreign institutional ownership and domestic institutional ownership and examine the association between these two kinds of institutional ownership and CSR performance respectively. The results show that domestic institutional ownership is positively associated with both operations-related and non-operations-related CSR performance, but foreign institutional ownership is negatively associated with non-operations-related CSR performance.


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