  • 學位論文


Study on Applying “Between” Concept to Poster Design

指導教授 : 蔡綺 李新富


「之間」的本質是一種無形中追求有形的秘密延伸,也存在於我們生活中的每一個小細節中。然而,以人為本的核心概念自古至今依然受到重視,同樣的與大自然和平相處的理念也一直是我們想要追求的理想。簡言之,「之間」是一種能夠連繫彼此的關係,以及牽動記憶的感官,同時也是誘發人與人之間建構、與環境間的聯繫、與自然間的和諧關係之過程,這些都是發自內心的心靈迴響。 因此,本專題是依循「之間」的理念進行探索、實驗與創作,透過視覺的呈現,傳達內在的精神,並建構出人與人之間、人與環境之間、人與自然之間等三方面之共同建構,以勾勒出大環境中每一個環節的連結關係。由於創作主軸環繞在「之間」概念的探索,並以宏觀的視野,包含人、事、物、城市、自然及生命萬物作為「之間」相關議題的主軸,進而傳達對此概念的關切與省思。此外,為了讓創作表現出豐富的視覺語彙,融入了創作者對於「之間」概念的思維模式外,在設計表現上則運用了多媒材的特性、表現技法及視覺效果;另一方面,更透過由視覺傳達與符號學之相關學理,探討創作的造形與內涵,表現形式和象徵意涵。冀望形塑個人獨特的設計風格,並創造新的視覺符碼,喚起觀者對周遭環境的關心,傳達我們生活在「之間」的每一份關懷。


之間 聯繫 海報設計 視覺創作


The essence of “between” is the extension to pursue a tangible secret imperceptibly, it also exists in every detail of our daily life. Nevertheless, human-centric concept has always been valued since the ancient times, and the concept of getting along with the nature peacefully is also the ideal that we want to pursue all the time. In brief, “between” is a relationship that can connect one another and influence the sense of memory; it is also the process that induces the relationship between people, the connection between people and environment, and the harmonious relationship between people and nature, all of these are the soul echo that comes from the innermost world. Therefore, this thesis bases on the concept of “between” to carry out exploration, experiment, and creation, so as to pass inherent spirit through visual display; and then, three mutual constructions are established to draw the outline of the correlation between every link among the large environment, these constructions include people and people, people and environment, and people and nature. Because the main part of creation is based on the exploration of “between” concept, where people, thing, matter, city, nature, life, and all things on earth serve as the main part of the relevant topics of “between”, and then the concern and introspection towards this concept could be communicated. In addition, in order to allow creation to show abundant visual vocabulary, the thinking model that the creator has towards “between” concept is used; for design representation, the characteristics, expression techniques, and visual effects of multimedia are used. On the other hand, the pattern formation and meaning, expression form, and symbolized meaning of the creation are discussed from the perspectives of relevant theories between visual communication and semiology. Hopefully, personal and unique design style could be formed and new visual codes could be created so as to arouse viewers’ concern towards the surrounding environment and pass all our care to everyone and “between” our lives.


Between relationship poster design visual creation


Rudolf arnheim著,李長俊譯,1976,藝術與視覺心理學,台北:雄獅。
Ben and Eiiy,AGI: Graphic Design Since 1950,2007,Thames&Hudson.
