  • 學位論文


On the Study of Corporate Performance Ranking by Using Fuzzy Weights BSC

指導教授 : 王亦凡


平衡計分卡(Balanced Score Card,簡稱BSC)為一相當普遍應用在企業評估員工績效之方法。當較具規模的企業於年終時,各部門主管評量好部門員工績效後,實際上仍未知在整個企業中全體員工的績效總排名為何? 通常僅能取得各單一部門內部員工績效之排名結果,而無法顯示出全體員工的績效總排名,這個問題影響了績效獎金發放的結果,亦成為影響發放績效獎金給予真正績優的員工極為重要之關鍵。有鑑於此,本研究設計並提出模糊加權平衡計分卡(Fuzzy Weighted Balanced Scorecard,FWBSC)的概念及方法來解決企業績效總排名的問題,將有利於企業或是大型機構組織能有效及確實的給予真正績優員工應得的績效獎金。 本研究設計之模糊加權平衡計分卡是運用模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)套用在平衡計分卡((Balanced Score Card,BSC)所結合而成,將評核項目的成績模糊化(Fuzzification)並運用模糊加權平均(Fuzzy Weighted Average)公式來排名。實證的部分主要是以某一大型個案公司BSC財務、顧客、內部流程與學習成長四大構面的31個評核項目實績找出8個營運處排名,作為實驗的樣本資料。最後,本實驗會與一般平均值(AVERAGE)排名法及TOPSIS排名法做一比較,以證明本研究的方法較合理公平。此研究成果將可提供給企業,以為員工做一合理公平的績效總排名。


BSC (weighted Balanced Score Card) is often used to evaluate employees’ performance by various business units in an enterprise. In a large enterprise, every business unit is assessed and unit has to assess employees’ performance at year-end. It is still unknown which one is the best of performance employee in the enterprise, because there is no ranking about all employees’ performance. This problem affects the outcome of performance bonuses payment; it also is a key point for real merit employees to deserve his performance bonuses. This research will propose a Fuzzy Weighted Balanced Score Card (FWBSC) to solve employees’ performance ranking problem for enterprises. FWBSC employed fuzzy theory on BSC that fuzzy scores of BSC then ranked business units’ performance by fuzzy weighted average. The test data came from 8 business branches of a company that covered 31 evaluated items of 4 facets which are financial, customer, internal processes and learning. Finally, we will compare common average ranking and TOPSIS ranking with our method for proving our method is more fair and reasonable. This research result can provide to enterprises that they can do a fair and reasonable ranking of employees’ performance.


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