  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Corruption, Corporate Governance and Political Economy:A Cross-Country Evidence Around the World

指導教授 : 盧智強


本研究希望能釐清,在不同類型的國家,其公司治理是否會受到不同類型的政治經濟變數所影響;再者,不同類型的國家,其公司治理是否與國家貪腐程度以及該國的政治經濟具有關聯性。因為現有的實證文獻缺乏不同類型的國家,其公司治理機制與政治經濟、國家貪腐程度三者之間的關係具整體性探討,本研究除了對這些相關議題開始產生興趣之外,並嘗試彌補現有文獻不足之缺口。 本研究採用追蹤資料(Panel Data)的研究方法,並於F-Test和Hausman Test檢驗下,以固定效果模型與隨機效果模型對2005至2011年的年資料進行實證分析。樣本資料來源包含全球130個國家,基於各國之背景不盡相同,本研究將各國以選舉制度分為多數選舉制度、混合選舉制度和比例選舉制度三組,再以所得水準分為低所得水準國家、中低所得水準國家、中高所得水準國家和高所得水準國家。 實證結果顯示,國家的政治經濟除了對於公司治理可能會造成影響之外,對於該國的貪腐程度也會造成影響,而在比例選舉制度國家之下公司治理可能較為惡化且比例選舉制度國家下,國家貪腐程度較嚴重;並且證明政治經濟與貪腐程度之間,公司治理的確也具有中介效果。另一方面,本研究證明執法品質與法律規範很有可能成為所謂的替代品,且較可能出現在低所得水準國家。


This study is to clarify the corporate governance will be affected by different types of the political economic variable in different countries. Furthermore, in different countries, the corporate governance is relevant to the national levels of corruption and the political economic. Because the lack of existing literatures with integrity in the relationship of the corporate governance, the political economic and the national levels of corruption in different countries. We’re interested in these issues, and attempt to compensate the gap of existing literatures. We use the research method of Panel Data, the F-test and the Hausman Test to conduct analysis with the fixed effects model and the random effects model in 2005-2011. Sample data contains 130 countries around the world,is base on the background of the countries are not the same; the electoral systems of countries are divided into three groups: the majority electoral system, the mixed electoral system and the proportional electoral system. The levels of income are divided into four groups: the low income level country, the lower-middle level country, the upper-middle income country and the high income level country. The result shows that the political economic may affect corporate governance. In addition to, the political economic may affect national levels of corruption also. Under the proportional electoral system, the corporate governance is more deteriorate than others electoral systems, and the national levels of corruption are more serious. This study proves that between the political economic and the national levels of corruption, the corporate governance have indeed mediation effect. On the other hand, this study demonstrates the quality of law enforcement and the legal norms is likely to become the substitute, and occurs in the low-income level country.


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2.李建強、周宜巍,「新聞自由對貪污的影響:全球資料的實證研究」, 《中華傳播學刊》,2009,第16其:頁131–174。


