  • 學位論文


Impact of ASEAN Free Trade Agreementon Myanmar Importand Export Trade

指導教授 : 李文瑞


東協自由貿易協定簽訂於1992年1月28日,在冷戰的時期下,各國貿易各設壁壘.關稅。東協自由貿易區協定成立的初衷是消除或減少成員國之間的關稅與非關稅壁壘。 緬甸1997年 加入東協,到2017年剛好20年。這20年緬甸經歷了1989年的第一次經濟開放,2010年第二次的經濟開放,隨著緬甸民選總統吳登盛(U Thein Sen)執政後,實行改革開放吸引外資,擴大對外貿易等工作的大力推動。緬甸的得天獨厚的地理位置,市場與經濟地位被成為世界的焦點。緬甸的後發優勢被東協及世界所關注。2015緬甸的關稅減免與零關稅的執行,已經接近達到東協自由貿易協定關稅減免與降低的目標。緬甸民選政府成立到民盟政府成立,西方歐美國家逐步取消了對緬甸的經濟制裁,西方的投資與技術短時期內還沒有辦法大量進入緬甸。東協各成員國與緬甸都有大量的貿易往來,東協成員國在緬甸是最大的貿易流量,與最主要交易夥伴國,東協也是緬甸最大的投資來源。緬甸積極參與東協,融入東協, 20年來(1997-2017)在貿易上,東協見證緬甸的一路蹣跚而來的努力與艱辛。 緬甸的經濟因其環境與政治的關係,從1989 到2017 ,緬甸的貿易在外界看來是因其這個國家的不透明而認為是難測的,太多未知的變化夾在貿易當中,導致諸多貿易商人的成本難以掌控。東協自由貿易協定下的緬甸正在改善,單一視窗,MACCS自動清關系統從仰光的開始使用到推動緬甸全國,這些都是有助於緬甸的貿易常規劃,正常化。 2015年12月31日,東協領導人會議通過了《東協2025:攜手前行》願景文件。緬甸與其他國家有差距,東協共同體將致力拉近距離。緬甸正在改善投資環境,努力做好對外貿易的推動,隨著政府推動的一系列政策方針,投資緬甸,與國際貿易往來將在這藍圖裡受益。


東南亞 東協 自由貿易協定 緬甸 貿易


The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement was signed on January 28, 1992. During the Cold War period, trade in various countries was set up with tariffs. The original intention of the ASEAN Free Trade Area Agreement was to eliminate or reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers between member states. Myanmar joined ASEAN in 1997 and just 20 years in 2017. In the past 20 years, Myanmar experienced the first economic opening in 1989 and the second economic opening in 2010. After the election of U Thein Sen, the democratically elected president of Myanmar, the reform and opening up to attract foreign investment and expand foreign trade. Strongly promoted. Myanmar's unique geographical location, market and economic status have become the focus of the world. Myanmar's late-comer advantage has been the focus of ASEAN and the world. The implementation of tariff reduction and zero tariffs in Myanmar in 2015 is close to the goal of tariff reduction and reduction of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement. The democratically elected government of Myanmar was established to the establishment of the NLD government, and the Western European and American countries gradually phased out economic sanctions against Myanmar. Western investment and technology have not been able to enter Myanmar in a short period of time. The ASEAN member states have a large amount of trade with Myanmar. The ASEAN member countries are the largest trade volume in Myanmar. With the most important trading partners, ASEAN is also Myanmar's largest source of investment. Myanmar has actively participated in the ASEAN and integrated into the ASEAN. In the past 20 years (1997-2017), in the trade, the ASEAN witnessed the hard work and hardships of Myanmar. Myanmar's economy is related to its environment and politics. From 1989 to 2017, Myanmar's trade is considered to be unpredictable by the opacity of its country. Too many unknown changes are caught in trade, leading to many trades. The cost of a businessman is difficult to control. Myanmar under the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement is improving, with a single window, the use of the MACCS automatic customs clearance system from the beginning of Yangon to the promotion of Myanmar, which are all contributing to the normal planning and normalization of trade in Myanmar. On December 31, 2015, the ASEAN Leaders' Meeting adopted the vision document of ASEAN 2025: Join Hands. There is a gap between Myanmar and other countries, and the ASEAN Community will work hard to get closer. Myanmar is improving its investment environment and striving to promote foreign trade. With a series of policy policies promoted by the government, investing in Myanmar will benefit from this blueprint.


Southeast Asia ASEAN FTA Myanmar Trade


(一) 網頁資料:
1. Flickr https://www.flickr.com/
2. Narinjara News線上新聞 https://narinjara.com
3. 世界銀行 http://www.worldbank.org/
