  • 學位論文


The Impact of Statute for Industrial Innovation on R&D Expenditure and Tax Burden

指導教授 : 汪瑞芝


為促進產業發展以及增強企業之競爭力,我國政府以租稅獎勵政策作為租稅誘因,以激勵企業投入研究發展活動。然而,為改善產業間稅負不公之現象,2010年實施之《產業創新條例》僅保留投資抵減租稅優惠政策。故本研究欲探討《產業創新條例》實施後,是否影響企業之研發支出以及有效稅率。本研究以2007至2016之上市上櫃公司為樣本,採多元迴歸實證進行研究。   《產業創新條例》對研究發展支出影響之實證結果顯示,《產業創新條例》雖然取消大部分之租稅優惠,但其租稅獎勵仍為激勵企業提高研發之誘因;再者,品牌形象支出對企業研究發展有正向顯著影響,企業於發展品牌的同時也提高創新能力;最後,由於《產業創新條例》限縮租稅優惠,對企業而言是一項衝擊,進而減少研究發展之投入。   《產業創新條例》對有效稅率影響之實證結果顯示,研究發展支出具有稅盾效果,當企業研究發展支出愈高時,進而降低有效稅率;再者,由於《產業創新條例》取消《促進產業升級條例》大多數之租稅優惠,企業雖然持續投入研究發展活動,可享有之投資抵減金額減少,進而增加租稅負擔;最後,《產業創新條例》實施後,當企業所享有之投資抵減利益愈高時,將減少其租稅負擔,降低有效稅率。


In order to promote industry development and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, the government of Taiwan R.O.C. enacted the Tax Incentive Policy as a tax motivation to encourage businesses to engage in R&D activities. However, to improve the tax inequality in the industry, the “Statute for Industrial Innovation” implemented in 2010 preserved only the investment credit tax benefit. Thus, this study aims to explore whether the implementation of “Statute for Industrial Innovation” has influence on companies’ R&D expenditures and effective tax rate. The study uses the sample of TWSE/GTSM listed companies during 2007~2016 and multiple regressions in empirical analysis. Regarding the impact of “Statute for Industrial Innovation” on R&D expenditure, the empirical results show that although “Statute for Industrial Innovation” canceled most of the tax benefits, its tax incentive is still a motivation for businesses to increase R&D. Furthermore, the brand image expenditure also has significant and positive impact on a company’s R&D. Businesses will also increase its innovation ability while developing their brands. Last but not least, as “Statute for Industrial Innovation” limited tax benefits and thus creates a shock, businesses then further cut down on their devotion to R&D. Regarding the impact of “Statute for Industrial Innovation” on effective tax rate, due to the tax shield effect of the research and development expenditure, then reduces the effective tax rate. Furthermore, companies with higher the research and development expenditure will increase effective tax rate due to the tax concessions sharply reduced after the implemented of“Statute for Industrial Innovation”. After the implementation of the“Statute for Industrial Innovation”, when the company’s investment tax credit benefit are higher, the tax burden will be reduced and the effective tax rate will be lowered.


獎勵投資條例,民國 80 年 01 月 30 日。
促進產業升級條例,民國 99 年 05 月 12 日。
