  • 學位論文


The Design and Usage Assessment of the robot for Preschool Education Encyclopedia

指導教授 : 王亦凡


根據內政部人口統計資料顯示,臺灣從西元1951年到西元2019年這段期間的總生育率7.040‰下降至1.050‰。每年新出兒人數逐年減少,在人口負成長的高齡社會時代,且產業結構失調的情況之下,應用新興科技來補足勞動力不足,已成為重要的課題。政府也在面對整體人口結構變化下,從提高生育率、強化勞動力結構、高齡化調適等三大面向著手,提出改進方案,以維持社會結構,建構完善生養環境。 本研究藉由數位社群與聊天機器人功能,將兒童衛生教育的觀念結合,以減輕家長在面臨工作與育兒的困擾,也降低照顧者在育兒過程的焦慮情緒,給予正確育兒的知識。


According to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan’s total fertility rate dropped from 7.040‰ to 1.050‰ during the period from 1951 to 2019. The number of new births decreased every year. At the age of the elderly society with negative population growth.Applying emerging technologies to compensate for the shortage of labor and the imbalance of industrial organization, the government has also faced changes in the overall demographic structure. Proposed to increase the fertility rate. Strengthen the labor structure. Aging society adjustment.The three aspects of execution. In order to maintain the social structure and construct a perfect health environment. This research uses the functions of digital community and chatbots to combine the concepts of child health education.In order to alleviate parents’ harassment about work and childcare.


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